Spooks: Charles

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Warning: talking about death, ghosts, little sad.
Powers: you can see, talk, and feel ghosts.

   You were sitting with your hands in your lap across from Charles. He was looking at you and you were looking blankly at the top of the desk that was in between the both of you. Charles had two fingers pressed to his temple, but he wasn't trying to read your mind, he was just thinking about what could be wrong with you.
   A minute had passed, you still hadn't blinked and tears trailed down your face. You had been like this for a week now. Your every breath, movement, and word was bland. You hadn't slept in days and you avoided people like the plague.
   "You are sick, I suggest y-" Charles started, but you interrupted him.
   "I'm not sick, I'm scared." You snapped at him. You looked at him with a glare that could kill and he shrank back into his seat. Your eyes made people uncomfortable, they were hollow, colorless, and cold. Most people said they looked like they were dead, but this week they were worse.
   "Why are you scared? Nothing here can hurt you." Charles said after he regained his confidence. That wasn't true, everything can hurt you. You once talked to a ghost who died from an infection caused by a paper cut.
   You looked at Charles with a blank expression, but when you talked your voice was hard.
   "There was a 12 car pile up last week and the spooks who had unfinished business found their way to me. All of the parents were so terrified when it happened, but the kids were just so confused. I hate feeling how they feel, but they need me to do it." The color had returned to your eyes. Talking about how you felt always helped, but death is such a touchy subject so you stopped trying to look for someone to talk to.
   "I know how you feel, with all of the voices and the thoughts." Charles stated with a look of sympathy.
   "You don't know how I feel. You hear people's thoughts and feel what they feel if they allow you to, but I don't have a choice. They tell me, I listen. They show me, I feel. They haunt me and hurt me without meaning to. And the spooks who can't cross over want to stay with me until they find someone else to haunt." You smiled a little bit. "And don't get me started on your mom! She was one of the ones who didn't think they were dead, so she was so upset when you 'ignored' her." You put air quotes on the word ignore. "It took me months to get her to cross over! I had to hide in the kitchen from her!"
   "Because she never stepped foot in the kitchen." Charles said. He had a sad smile on his face. "Not in life or death." He had a light frown on his face now.
   "Sorry I brought her up, I should've asked first." You looked away from Charles and back to the desk. "Some people would rather forget."
   "Can I get into your head? I would like to know how you feel." Charles asked.
   "My head is a terrible place, but if you really want to, I won't get in your way."
   Charles entered your mind and was immediately met with the sound of soul shattering screams. There were ghosts and ghouls of all different types. Most of them had dark sunken eyes and mouths contorted into a scream or a look of shock. The lighting around was either a deep shade of red or brown, with black tree branches and trees. But in the middle of all the corruption and horror was a white bubble with you sitting inside.
   A ghost girl with a tattered dress and floating hair approached the bubble. The moment she entered the bubble, her dress became whole and clean, her hair laid gracefully on her back, and she no longer looked tormented, but spook. You and the ghost talked for a while and then the ghost left the bubble still looking spooked and not ghoulish. The ghost kept walking and slowly vanished.
   Charles exited your mind and opened his eyes to be met with yours.
   "Your mind isn't terrible, you're just lonely. The ghosts talk to you, become spooks, then leave. And you're scared because of the things that happened to them. They leave you with their pain, and the more that come to you leave you even more lonely." Charles explained. You started to cry.
   "I'm so lonely, and I love them getting to the other side, but they leave me with nightmares and pain. And no one wants to talk to me about them so I just keep to myself, but I don't want to be lonely anymore." You put your hands on the desk with your palms facing up. "Please"
   Charles grabbed your hands and looked you in the eyes that now had life in them again.
   "You will never be lonely ever again. I can promise you that, but that won't stop them from coming."
   "I know, I just need people who won't vanish. People who aren't transparent. The mansion is being haunted by the way." You let go of Charles' hands and wiped your tears away. "But he was a ghost before he was dead." Charles gave a a playful grin.
   "Who is this ghost man?"
   "Sean. He's the only spook who hasn't left me. He's really more of a guardian than a ghost."

A/n: this isn't one of my favorite chapters, but if you liked it please let me know!

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