♡Chapter 43♡ Dangerous

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"Sakura. No! You are NOT going on a mission." Ino yelled.

"I don't have a choice Ino. I'll be fine. I can still fight even when I'm pregnant... I'll be fine." Sakura said.

"Sakura. I'm just so worried about you. Can't I come?" Ino asked.

"I don't know. I would have to ask Kakashi." Sakura said. Ino sighed.


Kakashi was convinced to let Ino join Sakura's mission. The girls ran through the forest. Hopping onto the trees and flying through each branch.
The mission was to rescue a kidnapped child. They had gotten the location and was heading there. Sakura picked up her pace. Wanting to get there faster. Who knows what could have happened to the poor child. They reached to a small run down village. It looked vacant. Sakura and Ino cautiously walked in the village.

"Ino." Sakura whispered. Ino nodded and used her sensory jutsu.

"Found them. They are in this house." Ino pointed at a house that was falling apart. Soon, Sakura and Ino barged into the house. Adults immediately pulled out their weapons and tried to get rid of the kunoichis. Ino immediately deflected with her kunai while Sakura punched one by one. Soon, the kidnappers were defeated, or so they thought. Some had fled and they had the child.

"Damnit!" Ino immediately chased after them. Sakura was chasing them as well but she was getting further and further away. She struggled picking up her pace.

"Kami. Why does pregnancy make me tired so easily..?" Sakura cursed in her thoughts. She then noticed something moving along with her. She looked around. There was more ninjas.

"24, 25, 27- There's so many!!!" Sakura sighed. She threw a explosion tag connected to kunai and threw it towards the ninjas. It exploded but some escaped it and tackled Sakura. She rolled against the ground but immediately got up. More ninjas surrounded her.

"Oh give a pregnant woman a break will yah?" Sakura mumbled. She held out her fist, ready to fight.

"SHANNARO!" Sakura yelled as she punched the ground, making the earth shake and sending ninjas away with yells. Some charged at her but she dodged them and would punch their back or head. Any part will do. So far Sakura was doing well.

"Damn. This bitch is good.... Fire Release!" One ninja blew a fire ball towards Sakura. She immediately jumped but was far too slow. The fire had gotten her foot. Sakura yelled out in pain. She stumbled when she landed.

Sakura then felt a sharp pain on her back. One ninja stabbed her on the back. Sakura winced in pain but she kicked the ninja, forgetting it was her injured foot and gave Sakura more pain.

"God Damnit..." Sakura winced. She didn't have time to heal herself. Plus the ninjas had disappeared but would charge at her at random times from different places. She tried her best to fight them off but knew she couldn't last much longer. Her energy was depleted. Sakura was slower. She panted as she kept her eyes up. Looking for any more attackers. All the sudden, her vision got blurry. Sakura stumbled and held her head.

Sakura then felt pain all over. She had been strucked with arrows and kunais all over her. Thankfully none hit the baby but Sakura was unable to fight. She fell to her knees and flopped on the ground. She struggled to stay awake and saw a ninja walk towards her.

"So this is how I'm going to die... gomen Ino...." Sakura mumbled. She saw the ninja raise his hand, that was holding a katana. All the sudden, everything went black.

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