Sasuke's stoic face remained, but after years of knowing the man Katsuro knew better than that. His dad looked concerned.

"That means we're dealing with a group of people who have access to the sharingan." Katsuro went on to say, worry clearly etched into his face. Sasuke sighed and turned around, opting to summon one of his messenger hawks.

"I'm going to update Naruto."


His name was Shin Uchiha, or at least that is what he named himself. He was a cloaked man standing on top of a pillar in the center of his extravagant cave-like hideout.

Beneath him was one of his subordinates, specifically the one who had survived his encounter with Sasuke Uchiha. The other who was sent to fight Katsuro passed away from his injuries, but managed to preserve his eyes before dying as he was instructed.

"So, you've seen him?" Shin asked curiously beneath his cloak, gazing down at the clone standing beneath him.

"And? How was Sasuke Uchiha?"

"Strong...Really Strong." The child-like clone admitted, retelling the events seriously.

"That's nothing like his true power. The power of Sasuke Uchiha's sharingan, that is." Shin replied much to the clone's angered expression.

"Sharingan? He killed Itachi. He's unforgivable. Must kill-" The clone exclaimed

"That's right. Sasuke, the disgrace of the proud Uchiha. He tainted his bloodline with the blood of his enemies by having children with Haru Oshiro Senju of the Akatsuki. And then he gave her his last name. He doesn't deserve to have the sharingan." Shin murmured, disdain laced through his tone.

Shin's young clone nodded in understanding.

"I saw Katsuro Uchiha as well, I don't think he's the one you were looking for. But he's also very strong." The clone claimed.

Shin nodded at the news, "Well then, that leaves three candidates. The twins, and the youngest amongst the five."

"How do we know Masahiko didn't have it? The rinnegan?" The clone asked curiously, looking up at his master with respect.

"He would've used it to escape, but he didn't. He escaped through brute strength, that's how I know he isn't the one." Shin admitted, thinking back to the white haired teenager who looked so much like the second hokage Shin loathed.

He managed to slip away from being captured earlier, and it angered Shin greatly. Masahiko would've made an honorable kill for the Uchiha clan, he's a disgrace.

He's the biggest disgrace out of all of those kids, and yet he wields the sharingan the most.

"Well, you know your mission. Update me soon."

And with that, a new plan commenced.

•••Runa's POV•••

(Before she and Haruki left the village)

I could hear my own heartbeat just from how nervous I am walking through the doors of the Konoha hospital.

My mom specifically told me to stay in my room, but of course, I was itching to go outside and get the answers I craved after crying my lungs of anger for ten minutes in my room.

So now I'm here, in the Konoha hospital, the same building as my mom. Hopefully all of my experience hiding from fanboys will help me out here!

I walked around with hesitation, dark eyes scoping the various hallways and waiting rooms with caution as I made my move.

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