Chapter 2

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Waiting and waiting and some more waiting ...

Two hours had passed by now and Chase decided to break the silence "He's not gonna wake up anytime soon"
"Ve need to ztay alert in case he does wake up he could take uz down eazily zhat vay"
"I don't wanna argue but Schneeps right Chase we'd be an easy target if were off guard "The hero stated
Jameson signed" Maybe we could take turns watching him it does not look like he will wake up anytime soon "
" Guys both of those ideas are terrible, not keeping a close eye on him is definitely stupid and leaving one of us to watch him every now and then will only give him the chance to possess one of us "
And so another argument came up and they kept discussing and discussing ..
Meanwhile, no one noticed as the figure behind them started to move. Anti was slowly and weakly trying to push himself upon his knees. When he finally did so he just blankly watched them all argue. After what felt for like 15 minutes Jameson noticed Anti on the floor staring at them. Jameson started signing towards the others in panic although none of them noticed, so he suddenly started waving his arms around trying to get their attention. They all looked at him weirdly until he pointed towards Anti. They all looked at him as he was blankly staring Marvin straight in the eyes. An awkward silence came over everyone out of shock. But as surprised as they were Anti made absolutely no movement in trying to attack them. Chase awkwardly coughed to make everyone snap out of their little trance. Well .. everyone except Anti who was still staring at Marvin with unfocused eyes. Despite this Jackie didn't hesitate a moment before attacking the demon. He pushed him down on the floor punching him repeatedly in the gut. Strangely Anti didn't make any move to fight back. Barely responded to Jackie, to begin with.
"Jackie that's enough" Marvin cried out trying to pry the hero off of the demon but to no avail. None of the others tried to help and just watched as Jackie beat Anti up.
Marvin got out his wand and pointed it directly at Jackie
"I said that's enough!" He yelled as Jackie floated up in the air against his will, folding his arms over his chest looking somewhat angry at Marvin for stopping him. Marvin made him float back over to the others
Putting his wand back down as he slowly walked over to Anti who was lying motionless on the floor still staring straight into Marvin's eyes. He may not have an expression on his face but Marvin noticed a slight hint of .. confusion and fear in his black eyes.
He threw that thought away trying not to forget who he '
"Could you stand up?"
Almost immediately Anti obliged, wincing slightly as he was able to get on his feet
Marvin was feeling slightly uneased by his presence.
"Could you stop glitching?"
Anti obeyed closing his eyes to focus as all the glitches disappeared from his body leaving his skin no longer a tint of green but just a pale colour his ears slightly pointier than before. When he reopened his eyes they were no longer black but an emerald green colour.
The others who were standing behind Marvin were in shock that Anti obeyed Marvin without hesitation.
Marvin turns towards the others with confusion written all over his face.
He turned back to Anti "wait here".
Marvin faces the others again taking them a little further away from Anti so he can't hear them.
"Guys .. I think I might've hit him with a spell, remember how I said I hit him in the head with my wand? Maybe I erased his memory?"
"So you zhink he doezn't remember uz?"
"You've got to be kidding me !? For all we know he could just be pretending and you believe that shit !?" Jackie shouted defensively not believing anything of what's going on right now.
But what if he isn't bro? What if he really doesn't remember anything. We could teach him what's good and bad so we can all actually live in peace for once. I'm tired of the constant fights and attacks dude it's getting us nowhere if he were to be pretending he would by long already taken the chance to do something. He would have reacted to you beating the absolute shit out of him but he didn't. It's obvious that he's not pretending. "
"No, all of you are just oblivious to who the hell we are dealing with here. He's a fucking monster and he'll always be! Can't believe all of you are falling for this shit. He'll never change, he's the bad guy and he'll always be like that you know that Chase. "
"No I don't know, how can I? We barely ever knew him besides this side of him, he always tried to take control of us but we never knew why and this could be our only chance to find out"
"Fine, but I am NOT living under that same roof as that monster "Jackie scoffed as he walked out and went upstairs
" Vell .. Now zhat zhat iz out of zhe vay I Zomerevhat agree vith Chase, it iz a risky decision but if it's zhe only chance ve have to ztop him from haunting our lives .. zhen I'm all for it. " Henrik stated looking at the other 4 egos to get their opinion.
Silence filled the room until Jameson signed "We can always try"
"Yeah dude, what about you Marvin"
Everyone turned towards Marvin
"I don't know ..
The 3 of them turned towards where Anti was, who was now sitting down  cross-legged, some blood slightly coming from staring blankly at a wall in front of him lost in thought. Marvin walked closer to him kneeling in front of him as the other 3 egos followed behind Marvin.
"Do you know who I am?"
"N-No I don't sir .."
"Do you know any of us?"
Anti looked at each of them closely before looking back at Marvin shaking his head no.
"Do you remember your own name"
Anti's brows furrowed in thought realizing he didn't even know his own name
He shook his head again
"I-I ' m sorry sir .. "
He shook a little, probably from Jackie's 'attack' earlier.
Chase took notice and slowly walked over slowly sitting next to Anti on his left side, slightly trying to comfort him by putting his hand on his shoulder.
"Hey that's okay" Marvin said standing up again
After a while Chase stood up as well reaching his hand out for Anti to take it.
Anti slowly took his hand and stood up
"It iz getting late and haz been a rough day ve have an extra room upstairs vhere you can ztay in ve'll tell you more tomorrow but virst I vill have to do a check-up vor any bruises and vounds zhat need to be treated "
Anti just nodded following the doctor as he motioned him to come with him

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