His voice didn't seem annoyed, he was rather bored, his tone flat as he finally closed the grimoire with disinterest and looked up at Milo and Toby, purposely ignoring Arrow and London.

"Are you two going to stand behind that couch? Sit down. I'm starting in a minute." The two youngest obliged, Toby, taking

Victor disappeared into the kitchen for few seconds, coming back with two chairs that he positioned in the middle of the living room.

"Sit," he signaled to both London and Milo with his fingers to sit in the respective chair and snapped his fingers to give his two husbands the ability to speak again.

London obliged, eager to get done with the spell and get going. He had something to prove and when he does, he gets to humiliate the petty human for the rest of his days.

Milo, however, looked perplexed. A quizzical look was drawn upon his delicate features, his fingers pointing to his chest, asking a silent question without tearing his eyes off Victor, wishing to be told he made a mistake by calling him.

"Yea you, I'm going to need a vessel to hide his magic in it, I am not stupid enough to put it in some stone and get it stolen." Victor rolled his eyes and Milo found himself squeezing his way to Toby's embrace.

"I don't want his magic." Milo hissed and closed his fist tightly, the mere thought of having that much magic in his body scared the shit out of him.

What if he hurts someone? What if he hurts himself? What if it goes out of control?

"Wait, if you hide my magic in him, that means you're giving him my powers!" London shots out of his seat, a look of anger hiding the betrayal he was currently feeling.

"I'm not giving him your powers London." Victor sighed at how stupid his lover was, his fingers went to massage his temple as he felt a headache approaching from constantly dealing with three idiots that he loves endlessly. "That would kill him. His body wasn't made for it. What I can do is hide it in his subconscious mind, heaven knows how deep that is for humans." He explained in detail, watching his husband relax and approached him. He held him by the shoulders gently and planted a chaste kiss on those rough lips he adored.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered delicately, rubbing his nose against his lover's and knowing that he wouldn't be able to resist the words.

A shaking breathe left London's lips right before his head bobbed up and down in response and that's all Victor needed to proceed. Another gentle kiss was planted on London's lips, then his forehead before he was pushed to sit down in his designed wooden chair.

Victor's eyes didn't show any hesitance as they looked up, searching for his human vessel but Milo was far from having it.

"I don't" he spoke in his usual sassy tone, arms crossed on his chest as he stood up and started looking around the room to analyze it and calculate his best escape route.

In Milo's head, death was nice.

Oblivion, endless rest, nothing to worry about.

Having a dark fae's magic hidden in the depths of his unconscious mind, however, was far from being peaceful.

"Milo, I'm afraid there is no other way." Victor's voice was surprisingly gentle, his eyes were not leaving the stubborn little human that his legs were leading him to.

"Why don't you hide it in one of your subconscious minds," Milo whined in desperation as he walked behind the couch, he looked between Victor and Toby, wishing for the light fae to step in and save him but Toby seemed too busy holding hands with a scowling Arrow to take in his distress.

Vicious Bonds {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now