Chapter 8 - Is This Luxury?

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Asher didn't grasp the conveniences that came with living in an enchanted castle until he witnessed them that morning.

When he first got up, there was a breakfast tray on the desk beside his bed. When he went to grab his clothes, they were cleaned and neatly folded instead of set in a crumpled pile like he had left them. When he went to the bathroom, he noticed there was a hot bath ready for him, which was a new experience for the servant since bathing was a luxury reserved for nobles. 

Commoners usually cleaned themselves via a sponge bath or a dip in the cold river.

Using warm water was alien to the young servant and he appreciated that he wouldn't be dripping dry like a shivering rat, because there was also a set of fluffy red towels hanging nearby for him to use.

In his hurry to hide from the Prince last night, Asher chose to stay in the red room. The carpet was a dark crimson, the bed quilts were red satin, the chandelier was decorated with rubies, and the paintings on the wall featured images of autumn trees with red and orange leaves.

He hadn't picked the room out of preference but more out of desperation in case Prince Leon decided to chase after him for his impudence. He hoped the beast wouldn't bother checking all the guest rooms just to find him, even if he were angry.

Asher couldn't hide in the room forever unfortunately. He was a servant after all, and as much as he enjoyed the luxury, he wouldn't be enjoying it for long if he got lazy and didn't do his job.

Crossing his fingers that the creature hadn't decided to fire him for his outburst last night, he stepped into the hall and immediately bumped into Theo.

"Oh! There you are!" She exclaimed.

He noticed she was wearing a beautiful orange dress with frilly sleeves and a complex patterned bodice. It went well with her short red hair.

"Good Morning." Asher greeted her in a confused tone. "I thought you had only packed the bare necessities?"

"What? Oh! You mean the dress? I found it laid out for me when I woke up." She did a short twirl, showing off the beautiful lace work. "There was also a breakfast tray and a bath. I've never taken a warm bath before. This place is amazing!"

"Agreed. If I could laze around all day and do nothing like this, I'd gladly trade places with the Pri...My friend."

"Right? I thought you said he was cursed but this magic is so convenient! Well, except for the 'being turned into a monster' part." 

Asher nodded, then stepped back when the woman leaned in close to his face. "What are you doing?"

She fluttered her eyes but did not back away. "You smell nice. Is that Lavender?"

The servant had taken advantage of the soaps provided when he bathed, so this was the cleanest he'd ever been. Even his clothes looked brand new now. All the little tears and patches it had sustained over the years had somehow vanished and his loose green tunic now looked more suitable for an upper class citizen.

"I think so? I just grabbed whatever was available." He blushed as she got closer to confirm.

"Yeah. It is." She put a hand on his chest, then slid it upwards and tilted her head playfully. "Can you guess what mine is?"

He figured she was talking about the scent of her own shampoo, which smelled vaguely of honeysuckle. Though he was beginning to feel uncomfortable as she used this as an excuse to get even closer. Gently he put a hand on her shoulder to keep her at bay and smiled politely. "Honeysuckle?"

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