Board Meeting

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"A little birdie told me that you guys needed some help." Bombay responded while looking at me.

The room stayed quiet as we waiting for an answer from the board. Finally, a blonde lady from the front of the table spoke up. "I move that the scholarships be reinstated." She sighed.

Smiled began to grow on people's faces.

"Is there a second?" The dean asked.

One man raised a hand. "All in favor?" The dean asked again. One by one, more and more board members began to raise their hands.

I grinned widely as some of the varsity boys began to sigh in disappointment.

The dean smiled. "Scholarships reinstated!"

Everyone began to cheer, even me.

"Yes! I'm free!" I yelled as if I was being held hostage under Ricks love for me. Which he was.

"I guess i'll write you a check for one thousand dollars." Rick groaned.

I held my finger up to his face. "No no, I take cash."

Rick glared at me then faced his teammates. He rounded them up and they began collecting their money.

"Okay we got ten, twenty, thirty, thirty-five-."

"Oop, you missed coles twenty." I pointed out. Rick glared at me.

"Fifty five, sixty five, eighty five, one hundred and five..."

They eventually gave me all the money that they had on them, and Rick told me that he would give me the rest once he gets it. At the moment, I had 465 dollars all in cash. It was a beautiful sight.

I walked into the hall and stood next to the ducks. Rick and his boys stopped them in the middle of the hall as everyone was exiting.

"Congratulations, on destroying our school." Rick retorted.

"Hey look, it's our school too." Kenny said.

"It's everyone's school, you stupid jock." Linda intervened.

"No, it'll never be your school, don't you get it! Your our own little affirmative action, brought in color to entertain us, but you couldn't even do that." Rick fought. Rick glared at me. "Nixon's fancy lawyer kept you in on a technicality."

Everyone looked at me. "Rick, you still owe me like 600 dollars-."

"Shut up, Nixon." Rick snapped. "You ducks will never belong. Your just a bunch of rejects living on a free ride."

"Free ride? Look at you rick boy. Mommy and daddy gave you everything, huh?" Russ retorted.

"JV vs Varsity game is on Friday." Rick reminded. That's when we will show the whole school what a joke you guys really are! Then maybe you'll leave on your own."

Rick tried to touch Charlie's suit. "It'd be the honorable thing to do." Charlie slapped Ricks hand.

"You guys had an unfair advantage last time," Charlie started. "You had one of us; Banksie."

"Keep him. He never had a heart of a warrior anyway." Rick chuckled.

"Neither did you." I said under my breath.

"What'd you say, Princess?" Rick asked suspiciously.

"Oh well it's not like you had a heart in the first place." I stated out loud.

"Let me inform ya, my father said I can be a very lovable man. Looks like you never took advantage of that, huh."

"Don't believe everything your daddy tells you!" Julie snapped.

"Yeah, like when he says your good at hockey." I retorted. Everyone looked at me in shock. The ducks snickered a little bit as Rick glared at me.

"I am so sorry. Ignore what I said." I giggled awkwardly. I knew that Rick was probably gonna strangle me with a hockey stick or something. "You know what, to make you feel better, I'll just keep the 465 dollars and you don't have to pay me the rest of the 635. Does that sound okay to you?" I stuttered.

Rick kept on glaring at me and I just giggled awkwardly. "Whatever." Rick scoffed.

"Oh biff, one more thing," Russ said. "After we beat you, warriors die and the ducks fly."

"Anything you say, loser. Hmm." He and his boys then walked away as if they owned the place.

"Great going guys, you made them even madder." Averman said.

"Bridget, that was freakin hilarious what you said." Connie laughed out loud.

I stood their in disbelief. "I can't believe I told him that he doesn't need to give me the rest of the $635." I looked at Connie. "I was so excited to receive my full 1,000 dollars."

"1 thousand dollars? Why would he give you that much?" Charlie asked.

"We had a bet on who would win at that board meeting. I won, but I didn't get all my money." I sighed.

"A bet?" Julie questioned.

"Yes, Julie a bet. That's how i make a profit. Profits get you rich. I like rich. I like money; I like things." I explain. "Now I only have $465 dollars instead of $1,000."

"You must be very materialistic." Guy said.

"Trust me, Guy. I am." I smirked. "But be glad that I called Bombay for ya. I pretty much saved your asses." I giggled.

"For the bet?" Russ wondered.

I looked at him in all seriousness. "Out of empathy. I couldn't imagine loosing my scholarship for no reason at all." I explained. "In all seriousness, bet money and the broken relationship was just a bonus."

"I fucking love you!" Julie squealed and hugged me.

As we hugged I mad eye contact with Adam. No reason in particular, but we just smiled at each other.

Ice burn//Adam BanksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon