I Just Moved In

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*knock knock*

"Hi! I just moved in two houses away from you and I thought we'd just pop by, say hello and introduce ourselves." I'm happy and finally life is just the way I like it. "Oh hi, welcome to Westview. I'm Wanda and this is my husband, Vision. Please come in." I'm not trying to hurt anyone, I just want to be happy.

"Thank you so much, I was so worried we wouldn't be able to make friends when we moved here because you know small towns have their own packs within them. Anyway I'm Troy Trojan and this is my boyfriend, Adam Williams." I am happy and no one is hurt.

"Aww are these your babies?! How cute! Adam look, they have twins." Quite the family we chose to become friends with. "Thank you, they're Billy and Tommy. Would you like to hold them?"

"I would like hold little Tommy, I love children. They're so curious and remind me a lot of Troy." Gosh Adam don't start with teasing. "If these cuties remind you of me, then I don't mind. How old are they?" They look like they were born just 10 minutes?

"5 weeks old! You know babies these days, they grow up so fast. Would you like anything to drink? Coffee? Tea?" Vision quickly said seeming on edge.
I always wondered what it is like to have children. "We'll have tea, I'll help you in the kitchen Vision. Here you go Wanda." Adam is so kind and perfect in my eyes.

"Wow those are interesting wrist bands you have on. Where did you get them?" You have to tell just a small white lie. "My guardian gave them to me a few years ago, I just seem to not be able to take them off." That was the truth not a lie.

"Guardian? Where are your parents?" Now we tell a white lie. "My parents work away from home so I never see them. I stayed with my grandparents but my grandmother passed away and my grandfather became mentally ill so I had a guardian care for me most of my life." That was too much information for someone you just met Troy.

"Wow you had it tougher than me in life. How have you and Adam found Westview so far?" Did I make a mistake sharing that much? "Uhh we love it here, it's small and cozy. We can't get enough of it, it's far from any family members so that's definitely a plus." Laugh Troy so Wanda knows it's a joke, in a way.

*30 minute time skip*

"Goodbye you guys! See you tomorrow, okay?" Wanda and I spoke for a what felt like 5 minutes, we'll be good friends. "Honey? How was your time with Wanda?" My beautiful Adam. "Oh uhh, sorry I was lost in thought. We have a lot in common actually so I think we'll be great friends. Are you and Vision getting along well?" Vision and Adam are almost replicas of each other now that I think of it.

"I think we'll be good friends too but he did tell me something that really confused me, he said that Wanda got pregnant and gave birth so quickly." Who would be calling my name in a town I've never been in before? "Troy?! Adam?! What a surprise, I didn't know the two of you were here." Who is this lady? I can't see a thing, it's so dark.

"Sorry who are you?" Sister of Wanda maybe? "I'm Agnes, your cousin. How can you not remember me!" Oh Agnes! "Agnes, sorry I couldn't recognize you cause it's dark but hi, how are you?" It's been some time since I last saw her. When did she move to Westview?

"I'm good but what are you lovebirds doing here in Westview is what I'm more curious about." She never lived here so what is she doing here? "We just wanted to get away from everyone you know, the drama that family brings and we just wanted a fresh start at a happy life together." That's all I want, a happy life with the one I love.

"Aren't the two of you just the cutest. Now you better get going before it gets too dark alright." I'm fine with Agnes being here, she's probably the least problematic family member. "Bye I'll see you tomorrow, Aggie!"

*Inside Troy and Adam's house*

"Troy, can we be as happy as Wanda and Vision?" Adam is like an artificial human always over analyzing and questioning. "We are as happy as them. We're living the life we deserve, this is our life so let's enjoy it." I'm glad we chose this town. "As long as I'm with you, that's all that matters." Everything is changing, seems like life really does move fast in the suburbs.

This is our home.

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