I looked in the mirror, eh I don't look to bad. I messed with my hair a bit to sort it out trying to make it look less like a bush. Asshole. Waking me up at 7am, I pulled the tank top over my head.

 Waking me up at 7am, I pulled the tank top over my head

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(ur outfits something like this idk)

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(ur outfits something like this idk)

I left my bedroom to find Enji helping himself to some of my favourite cereal.

"Did I say you're fatass could help yourself to my food?" I questioned

The big male looked at me seeming like he was silently begging before he swallowed his mouthful. "Who are you calling fatass? You're the one that owns it in the first place."

"And you're thighs are the size of tree trunks please carry on." Enji looked down before shovelling another spoonful of cereal into his wide mouth.


'There are several things you need to do to enhance you're combat ability. First is you need to learn how to use you're quirk in a basic way. A way in which you are able to use it for small encounters or for example using a fire quirk to start a campfire.

The second is train you're body, you cant expect you're quirk to help you with everything and, in some circumstances, you won't be able to use your quirk when face to face with a villian. Now the training can include learning a martial art, muscle and strength gain. But, whatever you choose to do you will always have to train your mind with it.

With mental strength comes physical. Step 3 is training yourself mentally, you can't expect you're body to be healthy if you're mind isn't. In this line of work you will face more death, hurt, and mental strain than you would in other professions, its the bit of being a hero that no one talks about.

The 4th thing to do is to enhance the way you use you're quirk. Attempting to break the boundaries you have in place and trying to help you get less drawbacks. Now this is usually with help, whether of a school, collage or club.'

I read through the little pamphlet Enji had given to me after we had finished our training session. After we had done he had taken me out to a movie but now I found myself walking to the gym where Enji had said he got me the membership.

The arrow of my maps app pointed straight ahead and when I looked up I was faced with a very expensive looking building. This place best be behind here because If he git me an expensive gym membership I'm going to kill him.

I entered the expensive building that, low and behold, did turn out to be the exact gym I was looking for. I signed myself in but not without the cashier giving me an odd look as I did. The actual gym are was massive, I don't think it would be an overstatement saying it was about as big as two houses side by side. It was filled with focused muscly men watching themselves in the mirror as they squatted whilst maintaining kilos on their shoulders.

There weren't many girls here however and the few that where looked almost more focused then the mini van men where. I guessed it was the time but there really wasn't many people here, from what I saw there where about 7-8 other people here, all of whom doing their own thing.

Slowly I made my way over a to treadmill and stepped on. My earphones connected and playing I started the unfamiliar machine up, making sure to keep it slow before I was comfortable withe the speed. God I am going to kill that man.

I this chapter shit? yes. Did I write it in a rush after I was able to get nothing done over my hiatus? yes. However that wont stop me from saying thankyou for allowing me to go on it, I definitely am in a slightly better state the I was before. Also thankyou for 12k views :) Before I deleted the chapters and started from scratch I had around 21k so knowing ill probably have passed that by summer really makes me feel immensely happy. I've been writing this thing for about 3-4 years so for those here from the start and to the ones who are only just reading thankyou so much, hand on heart this book has been one of the only things I had left quite a few times so (and ik I keep on saying it) but really thankyou for including this into you're day. MAKE SURE TO GO EAT SOMETHING AND DRINK SOME WATER, YOU ARE DOING SO GOOD AND I AM SO PROUD OF YOU BBY :))))))

Thaw my heart (Enji Todoroki x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora