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I looked up to see y/n crouching on her skateboard, a smirk plastered on her face. She then used the edge of the board to push it off the ground and used her other foot to drag it up a little higher, causing her to 'jump' with her skateboard. That was a really good ollie.

She looked up and grinned at me, wiggling her eyebrows. "Bet you can't ollie as high as me, piss baby,"

"You tryna start a fight? I obviously can just watch me, dummy," I shot back, getting in the same stance as she was before and popping off the board, only this time to have my foot land on the wrong place and start falling to the ground.

"SHIT—" I exclaimed before I completely faceplanted. A barrage of loud laughter rang out from behind me. The h/c-haired girl stopped her skateboard right in front of me and doubled over in laughter, pointing at me in the process.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST BRO, YOU JUST ATE SHIT," She cackled, causing several tick marks to protrude both temples on the sides of my head.

"Shut the hell up," I grunted, standing up again and dusting off my somewhat now scraped knees.

"I already feel so much second-hand embarrassment for you that I'm now gonna proceed to forget and pretend it never happened," She continued, wiping off what I imagined was a tear from her severe laughter attack.

"Take that back right now," I glared straight at her, a scowl etching itself on my face.

"What are you talking about?" She replied nonchalantly with a fake confused expression, climbing back on her board and skating away. This girl is going to be the end of me.

"Take it baaaack!" I shouted, catching up with her on my own skateboard. Once I was close enough to her, I started waving my hands at her as an attempt to make her lose balance, but to my dismay, she kept me away from me by pushing my head back.

"Ayo watch yo' jet— We're here, hurry the fuck up!" She sped up and went ahead towards our destination for the night, the local gas station.

There was nothing really special about the gas station, but it's always been a fun place to hang around. Almost nostalgic even though we didn't make many significant memories here. Just late night runs and getting the hot as fuck Doritos when we felt like it. It's been fun until recently, for one reason.

We walked in, skateboards in hand, our eyes falling on the boy at the cashier. He was leaning on the counter, his head on his palm, already dozing off. It was evident that he was severely tired from the heavy and dark eye bags that rested below his eyes. My scowl deepened at his presence.

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