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It's been about a year having the same night routine. I'd venture out into the darkness, listen to music, drink some chocolate milk, look at the shimmering stars, dance in the rain, all with the comfort of my own self and mind. I'd then go back home, take a short 1-hour nap and go on with my day, the repercussions of lack of sleep never causing such dramatic effect. I've never quite figured out how I've managed.

Why do it, you may ask? Only people that venture out into the darkness of the morning can truly understand, the answer only being held behind the experience. It's not me being poetic or some sappy shit, but it was simply something you can't put into words. Though, as an attempt to briefly explain it, there was something endearing about being out in the world by yourself when everyone else was fast asleep, already dreaming their own sweet dreams. It was like dreaming a conscious dream. A whole different world was only hidden behind a few hours of waiting.

Those have been my thoughts about my nightly journeys. All up until now.

So here I was, swinging my feet over the edge of a very familiar dock gazing beyond the horizon of the ocean, a soft breeze kissing my face farewell, drinking chocolate milk, and listening to music. The only different thing this time was that I wasn't alone.

A solemn boy of my age sat next to me, his sharp olive eyes twinkling with the reflection of the sun. Through his eyes, I could see a kid I had grown so fond of since the day we met.

Rintarou Suna and I have been childhood friends ever since I can remember. I guess it always starts like that doesn't it? He's been a friend that's basically changed my life, I wouldn't be right here where I was if it weren't for him. Even after sharing so many dear moments and memories of our past, there's something that remains unsaid as we sit here soaking in the desolate morning hours. I'm horrified to bring it up.

A month ago, I was by some small stream in a park admiring the soft lights of the fireflies that illuminated what voided of a night it was, completing my nightly adventure when I heard the voice that I had lost contact with after 5 years. n/n? Lo and behold, I turned to see those same viridescent eyes, and identifying him came like a brick slapped against my head, vice versa for him with me, or so he says. My only addition that I'm positive he did not experience was a hitch to the breath, flutter to the stomach, and a swell in the heart. I remember clearly thinking, fuck, they're back, and as for what, I'll leave to explaining later.

What once used to be an iconic duo, was finally back together, wandering around our hometown at ungodly hours of the morning. As for the reason as to why Rintarou is also out at these hours, he hasn't explained yet. But I'm glad there's someone I can finally share these destitute nights with. 

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