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Thank god the flight is finally over. We walked off the plane and went over to the baggage collection point. I was quite exhausted as I only managed to get about an hours sleep and jet lag is a bitch. We found a seat and Jai sat down as I sat on his lap with my head burried in his neck. Jai kissed the top of my head and we waited for about 15 minutes until our luggage started coming through. 

We got our luggage and Jai rang Jacob to ask if he could pick us up. He agreed and we waited outside for him to come. 

"My place or yours?" Jai asked me.

"Hmmm, can we go to mine because I need to see Tessa. She doesn't even know I'm back so it will be nice to see her face."

"Of course, anything for my princess." He tapped my nose and I smiled at him.

Soon enough Jacob arrived and we put our luggage in the boot of the car. We got in the car and I put my head on Jai's shoulder. He put is arm around me and I soon fell into a deep slumber.


"Katie, wake up babe we're here." Jai whispered.

I streched out and sat up. I opened the car door and Jai dragged my luggage. We walked up the stairs to my apartment and knocked on the door, hoping Tessa was in. I heard footsteps run to the door and Tessa opened the door.

"Hey-wait-what-OHMYGOD! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!" She jumped on me making us fall on the floor and burst out lauging.

"Nice to see you too Tess." I laughed getting up from the floor.

"I didn't think you would come back, not so soon anyway. What made you come back? Oh hey Jai!" She bombarded me with questions and Jai just laughed at her.

"Well if you let us through the door I shall explain everything over a pizza, sound good?" I asked.

She nodded eagerly and let us through the door. We dumped our luggage in my room and I got changed into some pyjama shorts and one of Jai's t-shirts. We walked into the front room and slumbed down on the couch.

"I've ordered the pizza!" Tessa said.

"Okay thanks" I replied. 

The pizza soon came and I told Tessa everything. She said Jai is a hopless romantic and that she is happy I'm back. I'm glad to be back as well. I think LA will be a fresh start, but we still have Jai's problem with money to sort out. Hopefully once that's all over everything can be normal. 


A/N- sorry this is so short and rubbish and that I haven't wrote in ages :( Big chapter coming up soon :) 

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