"The pool was always fun too. We'd always race, you would normally win and I would get really mad. Oh yeah and we used to grab onto those things in the water that separated the swimming lanes. We got in trouble for that so many times, I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out" George said looking up from the dirt. "I remember that...I remember exactly what happened" Clay said smiling.

*Flashback from when they were 8*

"3...2...1...go!!" Clay yelled as he pushed off the pool wall. "Clayyy slow downnn" George yelled as he trailed behind. "Never you slow poke!" Clay yelled as he lengthened the distance between him and George. "Clay this is so unfair!" George yelled as he started to get exhausted. "Must suck to loose!" Clay yelled as he reached the end.

About ten seconds later George finally made it over. "You suck Clay" George said as he laughed. "Race you to mom!" Clay said as he got up. Clay called Georges mom his mom. Clays mom wasn't much of a mom to him and Georges mom had basically took him in. "Clay noooo!" George yelled as he wasn't prepared to run. "Woah slow down boys!" Georges mom said as they arrived at the table. "You guys look exhausted, wanna get ice cream?" She said as she saw the boys start jumping. "YESS!!" They both yelled as they grabbed there towels.

*Flashback over*

George laughed as he took in the memories. "The good days..." Clay said as he looked around him and fully took in what they were in. "It's gonna be okay Clay" George said as he caught Clays eyes drain. "Lets get back to work then" Clay said as he looked at George and smiled faintly. George and Clay continued to dig as they saw more and more of the groups leave. 

"It's getting really dark" George said as he looked at the moon entering the sky. "I know. I think were done though" Clay said smiling. "Ugh thank god let's get out" George said as he attempted to get out. "Clay...I can't get out" George said unable to climb out. "Okay let me get out then I'll help you up" Clay said as he tried to climb up. "Fuck" Clay said as he saw he wasn't able to either.

"HELLO?!?" George yelled trying to get a guards attention. A guard heard his screams as he walked over and laughed at the sight. "We will get ya'll out in the morning, just sleep here tonight" The guard said as he left for bed. "Are you fucking kidding me" Clay said as he sat down onto the ground. "It'll be fine...It's only one night" George said as he sat down next to Clay. "Yeah I guess" Clay said as he groaned. 

"Wellll...wanna play a game?" George said trying to lighten the mood. He didn't like when Clay wasn't in a good mood. "Sure...whatcha got in mind" Clay said as he chuckled. "Hmmm...would you rather?" George said smiling at Clay. Clay laughed and nodded his head.

 "Ok sooo...would you rather eat a muffin with ketchup on it orrr a cookie with barbecue sauce?" George said smiling at Clay. "George what?" Clay said as he wheezed at what George had said. "Stoppp I'm being serioussss" George said hitting Clay on the shoulder. "Okay okay!! I'd have to say the cookie with barbecue sauce" Clay said laughing as he looked at George. "What!?! That's disgusting! I'd prefer the muffin" George said in a disgusted face. "That's literally gross" Clay said hitting George. "Okay okay my turn" Clay said as he started to think of one.

"Would you rather be friends with me or date me?" Clay said in a serious tone. "Huh?" George said in confusion. "Ne-Nevermind" Clay said looking down. "Wait no Clay I was just confused, but I don't know...I feel like now would be to soon so friends...but later maybe" George said looking at Clay. "Oh...okay" Clay said smiling. "Okay sooo would you rath-" 

"GEORGE OH MY GOD" Clay yelled looking up at the fence. "What Clay?!?!" George said in confusion. "George we can get out..." Clay said smiling more then he has in ages. "What?!?! How?!?" George said in shock. "Were literally on the fence George!! All we have to do is dig our way out!!" Clay said as he stood up and saw there was only a one foot distance from the hole to the fence. "Oh my god..." George said in realization.


HEHE I LOVE CLIFF HANGERSSSS!! Yeah so uh...this is gonna be so fun (: Hope you can wait for the next chapter lollll. 

[1449 words]


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