
With everything that happened last night, you had forgotten to charge your phone. You looked around and didn't really see a familiar path that would lead you back to your hotel. You tried to stay calm and not panic. It wasn't like you were on a deserted island. You would find someone who would be able to help you.

So, you got up from the bench and walked over to the nearest crowd of people. You started your search, walking around and trying to find someone who understood. It didn't take you too long to find someone who pointed you in the right direction. The only problem was, it was incredibly late. You hadn't realized how long you had just been sitting at that park watching and thinking. You knew Kylo often worked late. You hoped he hadn't returned yet to find you gone. He would be livid to know you left without the tour guide. But, the more you thought about it, the more you realized, why should you care? Did he even really care about you to worry?

With the help of a group of young friends, you hoped in a cab and gave the driver directions to the hotel. You were proud of yourself that even when you found yourself lost, you still managed to find your way back.





******Kylo's POV******

The day at the office was long. He could barely even focus. Between not getting hardly any sleep last night and the words she had admitted to him ringing through his head, Kylo was not in the mood to even focus on work. But, he had to, this was his job and his company was relying on him to close this deal. He had purposefully stayed late at the office hoping that when he returned to the hotel she would be sound asleep. He didn't want to have to avoid her, but he didn't know what to say to her either.

She had told you what was in her heart. She had trusted you with that. She had been holding it in for a while and all you did was leave. You could kick yourself for not having the courage to stay, to tell her your own feelings. But you just couldn't. You hoped she understood that.

As he rode the elevator up to the room, he could feel his nerves start to act up. His instinct was to run again. To hide and act like nothing ever happened. But you knew her. You knew she was probably worried when she woke up to find you gone. You should have left a note or something. You needed her to see you were ok.

He swiped the key card and entered the room. It was dark. He found that unusual. She would have kept a soft light on in the living area for him. He flipped a switch and the room lit up in a soft, warm, glow. He noticed the bedroom door was open so he walked quietly over to shut it. It wasn't until he looked in that he realized the bed was empty.

A strange feeling festered in his gut as he called out her name. Turning more of the lights on and checking every room. He couldn't find her anywhere. He didn't want to start panicking before he checked the lobby and the front desk. Maybe she was just wondering about the hotel.

But this late? He thought to himself.

He reached the lobby quickly and started asking around. One of the clerks said the last time he saw her she was leaving the hotel, alone.

He knew she had more exploring she wanted to do. He hoped she wouldn't be stupid enough to go alone.

He immediately pulled out his cell and called her but the line went straight to voicemail. Great, her phone's dead, he thought to himself. He wanted to go out and look for her. Why would she just go alone like that? She could be hurt, something could've happened. The clerk at the front desk could tell he was panicking.

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