He smelled her. He tasted her. He could feel her curves underneath his fingers as they tightly gripped the marble countertop.

When he would fuck Amber tonight, he would only see Elizabeth. He would see her color littered blonde hair instead of Amber's deep brown locks. When he looked into Amber's light green eyes they would erupt in a deeper green with tones of brown and  gold. Instead of holding a smoky winced hue they would be wide eyed and begging him for more. When he smelled Amber's arousal so easily inspired by his presence, he would smell Elizabeth's so carefully contrived in mystery, and its sweeter scent with its delicate notions.

He once again made the decision to be selfish, which was only fitting for his and Amber's fucked up relationship, if you could even call it that. When together he was a sadist and she was a masochist. He wanted to dominate her fathers previous reign with every strong thrust and she wanting to relinquish it to him in every which way he pleased. 

He didn't need a bond for someone to be so enamored with him and entranced by him. He also didn't need Amber to receive that hollow pleasure...but she was comfortable to him, she was familiar, she knew how to listen to his command without question... She was the one who would take his anger and upset, and turn it into an incredibly muted, but sufficient enough, empty sense of fulfillment of his own basic needs.

"I'm going to lay down." Jason said as he began to fumble with the clasp on his necklace haphazardly, failing to exhibit the amount of care he was trying to give to the fragile piece of gold.

"I found your phone." Mark said still standing in the doorway. "It appears you don't need that upgrade. Just a screen repair." He said following up his initial revelation. "Stop." Mark said firmly as he walked over, Jason in his drunken haze turning to him in confusion. "You're going to break it. And I'm not trying to deal with you being fucking pissed tomorrow." Mark said quickly reaching up to unclasp the necklace, grabbing the gold chain and black band in his hand firmly.

"Give it back." Jason said with an evident hostility in his voice as Mark was beginning to walk away with the jewelry he helped Jason out of.

Mark quickly stopping and looking over his shoulder with slight confusion, Jason not having divulged into the jewelry and its significance with anyone, and thus Mark not understanding the relevance of it to cause his immediate reaction. "Give what back?" He asked slowly but with increased frustration brewing in his tone as he was looking at Jason's now black eyes, being used to his roller coaster of emotions, but losing patience with an air of caution.

"My ring. It's my fucking ring. It's MINE." Jason further spewed out in ultimate possessiveness of the jewelry. While he had let Mark assist him with the priceless jewelry, he did not expect Mark to try and 'run away with it'.

"Jason. Don't be a dick." Mark said heavily, feeling his friends energy beginning to rise with his ever changing thoughts, his own frustration rising at  the unclear way Jason's emotions seemed to change, even more rapidly with the added influence of excessive alcohol use.

Mark was not a weak man, to say the least. He was second in his class behind the alpha in their warrior training. He was also the only one who could casually talk down the Alpha with incredible ease. They seemed to be bonded to one another from an early age, but even he had his own breaking point with Jason. "If you want your fucking ring, say that you want your fucking ring and don't expect me to assume your thoughts."

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