I am sure that she can run a list of authors, she is indeed confident with her knowledge. I shook my head and she had a seat. I gestured to all the class to sit down.

 "I might say that I am indeed surprised that most of you have no clue about basic information related to the major," I said while sighing, trailing my gaze to all the students. 

Talking in general about the subject and what the marking criteria will be, I finished the lecture by calling the attendance. 

"Everyone is dismissed," I said while collecting my papers. 

I looked to see that everyone is out except Elena and her friend. "Can I talk to you for a second Mr. Ruthorford?" she nervously requested. 

Her friend James whispered something in her ears and she nearly shoved him. I wonder what did he tell her, that angered her this much. 

I nodded my head. 

She came to the desk while her friend aggressively opened the door of the class to leave. With a thud the class was empty.

Elena nervously looked at me, "I talked to my father," she said. 

"Okay," I stated while waiting for her answer. 

She chewed on her lips, "I agree to your deal."

I knew that she will agree to it. It is just a matter of time and my dear brother will be out of the family business. Looking at her for a few seconds, her eyes glittered with tears, and I felt horrible for doing this. 

But I need to, I have no choice. Her body trembled, and her face looked pale and disgusted.

I calmed myself to not outrage at her. I hated the way she looked at me, no one ever looked at me in such a way that makes me feel ashamed of myself. I tried to ignore it, "Okay then, can we go and talk somewhere, other than here?" I suggested. 

"Yeah sure, anywhere you like," she said while nervously rubbing her hands. I noticed this earlier too, is that when she is nervous, she constantly rub her hands. 

"After you," I gestured towards the door. She walked to the door and I followed. We passed few classrooms, reaching the university square. Few students gave us swift glances as we walked side by side. 

"Um...can I ask something?" Elena said hesitantly while playing with her dress. I nodded, "Sure."

"Why do you need a wife? I mean....," she awkwardly trailed. I sighed, "Well I told you before that it is a personal matter."

"Right, but you don't know me, marriage isn't something that you do randomly," she seemed annoyed. 

"I rather not tell you," I said. She has the right to know but I rather tell her later, now is not good timing. She seemed irritated by my reply but then she shrugged her shoulders and continued walking.

Opening the doorknob of my office, we got in. I sat on my desk chair, while she is now seated in front of me. I opened a drawer and took off few papers. The marriage certificate and license laid on the table. 

Elena gulped and breathed heavily, "I guess this is the documents that I need to sign," she trembled saying that. "You are not a freak or something right?" she cautiously asked. 

I tried to hold my laugh but then I couldn't stop it. I burst out laughing while she looked astonished. This girl can't stops surprising me, I mean sure she will think like that, at the end I'm a man in his mid-thirties, asking to marry my student. And to make things odder, I am offering money. 

No wonder she feels disgusted with me which gave me uneasy feelings. I stopped laughing and shook my head, "No I'm not a freak, and to make things clearer our marriage will be on paper. But there are few things that you should know."  

She expectedly waited, "This deal is for a year and after that, you can go back to your normal life. You will have to move with me at that time and attend few occasions with me when I ask. Also, you will meet my family quite often." 

Right, my family isn't the nicest people and she indeed will have a hard time dealing with them.

She nodded her head in understanding while her lips parted, "What about the university? I mean what if they found out?" she asked while tilting her head. 

"I spoke to the dean earlier this morning, and kind of made a fake story. I told him that we were dating before I started teaching here, and that we decided to get married now. Now, it was hard to convince him but I assured him that we loved each other and that your father approve our thing," I explained and waited for her respond.

Her eyebrows knotted in confusion, "Wow, so you were certain that I will agree!" she said sarcastically. 

"Yes I was, your father is in a really critical state, and I knew that you won't leave your father helpless," I explained. She closed her eyes and breathed, "What about others? you know students, what if they found out?" she asked.

"We will try to keep it hidden as far as we can, and if they found out I guess we will just ignore it," I said helplessly because I haven't thought about this. If others found out, they will surely criticize me and her. Even if its fake, in front of others it will be real. 

The age gap that is between us, is a nightmare for parents and public. But I had no choice I needed someone who will agree to my deal without catching feelings. Its not that I don't notice the stares a lot of women gives me.

I just needed someone that won't take it seriously. Elena Parker is a perfect choice, she has a reason to do this. 

She blankly stared at me, "Fine can I sign now," she said. 

I nodded and handed her the papers. I got up from my seat and stood near her to show her where to sign. I pointed towards the end of each paper, and observed her trembling hand. I noticed that she smelled as sweet as berries, and I can't help but wince. 

She lightly signed her name and raised her head. Our faces was close to each other, her deep chocolate eyes stared at me in startle. I looked away and swiftly took the papers. 

"Your father debt will be closed by tomorrow," I informed. Her gaze blankly settled at me as she nodded. 

"And you are no longer Miss Parker," I stated while a small smile crept on my face before adding, "Mrs. Rutherford."    

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