Chapter 1(Rewritten)

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That was by far the worst nights of sleep I've ever gotten. And I usually get 3 hours. This time I only got 1 due to this stupid flashback of my abusive parents before I left for med school. Now I have to work 3 jobs just to pay off my student loans while always getting food for my worn down apartment.This apartment is in the old part of Texas meaning there are gangs all the time getting into fights right outside my door. Once someone was fighting and broke my window. Had to pay lots for a new one. I see a big guy running my way and see he's being chased by an even bigger guy and knocks me outta the way!

"Damn no mercy." I try to stand but I fall back down, I try once again and I start to walk to my I walk in and start the shift and get to work. The last customer of the day before we close at 10:00. I really just wanted to get outta here
"Excuse me are you still open?" I hear a deep voice say
"we are, what can I get started for you big man?" I say nervously my voice strained he looks like he could squish me onto the concrete floor
"Can I get a a Carmel latte please." He said
"Yeah sure anything else!" I say with false excitement
"That's all, now hurry up I'm in a rush." He says angry, my smile fades I finish his latte and hand it to him
"Have a nice night sir." I said with tiredness in my voice "whatever you f*g looking thing" he said with disgust
"Yep you to." I say with a bored tone. I walk out to my next shift at the 24 convenience store "I'm here for my shift!." I yell, "Hey! Max go ahead and start I want at least 3 hours on your shift." He says back.

(Time skip)
I was walking home about to pass out when I heard grunting from the alleyway near my old apartment
"Hey! Want some help man?" I ask yelling slightly,
"the hell's someone like you doing out here" he say grunting at the end, I decided to take action and
"Ask me questions later. We gotta get you patched up" I walk him up the stairs to my apartment and start to treat him with my med kit I always have on hand for shit like this, "I honestly don't wanna know how you got that wound and you probably won't tell me.But what I can tell you is that you can stay in my pull out couch until your rested. If ya need clothes that closet there has my ex's old clothes you can wear them." I walk to the closet and grab the biggest shirt I could find "here, now I've pulled out the bed so you can sleep there. Don't care what you do, don't wake me up I'm running on an hour of sleep and you do not wanna mess with me right now." I say setting it up for him
"what's your name." He says with a deep voice,
"Max Bert field, what's yours?" He looks at me before answering
"Sorry but I can't tell you." I look at him with half hooded eyes
"ok I'm going to bed make yourself at home." I say walking to my bedroom. "God damn where are all these people coming from. That's the 10th person I've helped this week. These people need to get it together."

I'm rewriting this book because it's really cringy and honestly really unoriginal so I'm gonna try and fix it. If you have any suggestions comment on what chapter and I'll try and fix it. Hope everyone has a nice day👍

The Mafias Favorite Boy (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now