𝑵𝒐𝒕 𝒔𝒐 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕

Start from the beginning

While throwing blueberries and trying to catch them with my mouth a random idea popped in my mind. I chewed on the sweet tasting fruit rapidly while jumping up and down in excitement, catching the boy's attention.

,,I know what we can do!" I squeal while catching my breath, my stuffy nose not helping me at all.

Both of them stare at me curiously, waiting for me to spill the beans.

,,So what about this. Mother doesn't want us to play outside the manor. But who says we can't play inside?" I praise.

The brown haired boys look at each other before looking back at me , evil smiles planted on their faces. Oh this is gonna be good.

My genius plan was not so genius after all. Not even two hours later , our mother confiscated the brooms and locked them with several locking charms.

But that never stopped me from coming up with another genius plan.

Quidditch isn't made to play on brooms now is it? So what holds us back from playing without one.

And that's how we ended up here. Years later and we're still playing it behind our parents back. If they noticed, they didn't say anything.

The goal was that one team at the time has to try and get the quaffle on the other side of the room, without getting hit by the enchanted bludgers.

At the beginning, everything went terribly wrong. Enzo ended up with a broken arm and a hole in the wall . Nothing a portrait couldn't fix. Enzo's broken arm on the other side.. was a different problem.

Luckily , our trusted elf Kio healed his arm and swore to us that my mother won't find out about it.

After the incident, we put obstacles and hiding spots in the room. So that we could duck and hide from the flying bludgers.

A raspy scream fills my ears. The painful sound making me squeeze my eyes shut. I tilt my head to see Draco laying on the floor, his body in a weird position.

The years of ducking and rolling around helped me prevent from getting hit by the boy's spells fast enough so I could cast one back. Catching him off guard with the stunning spell.

His body flying against the back wall. I get up looking around the room. Daphne was helping Pansy while Jacob , who managed to stand up, went to look after Blaise. I swallow harshly, my feet carrying me to Draco. His body still sprawled on the floor.

The common room door burst open. Multiple teachers including Dumbledore walking in.

I fell to my knees, putting both hands on Draco's shoulders , shaking him rapidly. But he wouldn't budge, panic bubbling through my veins.

Someone grabs me from behind, pulling me away from the unconscious blonde boy, who I only just befriended.

I try to break free from their grasp, try to help the pale boy. He is hurt, someone needs to help him.

A shouting fills my ear. Why is everyone shouting ? Why is my heart racing? The shouting needs to stop. It's so loud. So clear. So fucking painful.

It's then I realize, the shouting comes from the person behind me. My vision blurry. Legs shaky. Air thick .

,,Y/N c'mon get up." The thick and throbbing voice commands. My senses come together. My breathing having it's normal pattern.

,,What in Merlin's name happened here?" A scottish accent asks, giving away the tall woman.

,,Who did this?" Dumbledore questions, pointing at the raven-haired boy across the room.

I raise a shaky hand, not daring to speak. The crack in my voice betraying me.

,,Minerva make sure the other's are getting treated by Poppy, Severus please make sure the boy doesn't do anything else that will get him in trouble. Miss Nott, please come with me."

I stare at the man across the room, my gaze traveling over everyone. They are staring. Waiting for me to make a move. Waiting for me to play my cards.

I walk forward, following the old man out the common room and through the halls. Our heavy steps echoing the halls of Hogwarts.

It feels like an eternity before we arrive in front of the gargoyle statue. It's eyes boring into mine.

The statue slides to the side, a small path of stairs revealing itself. I follow carefully, keeping a distance . Preparing myself for the worse.

I was defending us. He tried to hurt us. He hurt us. I wouldn't get punished right?

A door comes in sight. Opening for it's master. Dumbledore walks through, my legs walking after him .

I walk in, the heavy door closing behind me. He walks behind his desk, pointing at the seat in front of it. I take a deep breath before I shuffle to the empty seat.

My anxiety takes the best of me.
,,Am I in trouble? Because if I am I-" his hand rises, cutting me off. A metallic taste on the inside of my cheek.

,,No Miss Nott , you don't have to worry about that. You did what was necessary. However I must warn you about Mr Riddle." He explains.

My grip on the armchair tightens. Crossing my legs and uncrossing them.

,,Mr Riddle is here from a long journey in an awful place. However we gave him the chance to attend this school, oblivious from his capabilities."

My chest tightens.

,,He is not someone who will play games nicely. Not at all. He will twist the cards and take over. Winning at all cost."

And what the hell should I do with this information?

,,However I see that you are not so different Miss Nott. "

,,Excuse me?" My eyebrows furrow.

,,Don't take this the wrong way. You will see it yourself when the time is right."

I stare at the old man in front of me. What the hell is he talking about.

,,Be careful Miss Nott, not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path."

With that said, the large office door opens. My presence being dismissed. I stand up and mumble a goodbye, heading out the door and walking down the stairs.

Oh boy yall will probably hate me in the future but that's okay. I hate myself too. But hey, Mattheo is here:) next chapter we're gonna interact with him ... a lot :) it's probably gonna be a long one but I'll try to finish it this week.

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