Author's Note

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First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read this novella. I cannot even begin to explain how surreal it feels to know that my words have been read by someone other than myself.

In the back of this book, you will find links to my social media accounts as well as the pre-order for book one in this series, Blood at Dusk (Book One, The SoulBlood Series).

I know that while reading this prequel, you may have had quite a few questions. Where did Jacel come from? Why isn't he mad like the other vampires? Why does he low-key blame himself for their arrival on Earth? Well folks, those questions WILL be answered! You just have to read the series to find out! I know, I'm terrible.

Each book in the SoulBlood series focuses on one couple. In book one, you will learn about Kora and Aldeon. Kora may be a stranger to the women in this story, but not for long. :) Maggie and Jacel will come back as well. We will see them in book one, two, three, and so forth. They get their own book, don't worry! (I honestly cannot wait until all of you read that one!)

Some of my heroines are straight-up badasses. Some of them have issues, and may seem weak in the beginning. Each of them overcomes their internal obstacles in one way or another, and all of them are STRONG. I like to spotlight that not all women are fierce in the beginning, we aren't all born leaders. Many times, troubles lead to finding our footing in this world. My characters reflect all of the differences each and every one of us have.

Please, be aware that these stories may have some triggering subjects, but I will NEVER glorify or encourage rape or suicide in any way, shape, or form, and they will always contain warnings.

Whew, glad we got all of that out of the way.

Did you love the story? Hate it? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you to anyone who has read this far. You truly are a superstar.

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