
This place is not how I imagined it.

There are beings here, those that think and speak as we do.

When the gate was opened, and my species was set free, I pictured us feeding on the fauna here and then returning the world to its natural order. I did not expect the doors to our home to close behind us, and I underestimated the amount of blood my people needed to return to their sanity.

Nonetheless, it couldn't be helped. I had to do it. My people were dying, and a deal needed to be cut.

At least, that is what I continue to tell myself as I roam this forest, feeding on the hoofed creatures that live deep in the woods. The sun has set in the sky, and I watch as a single moon rises in the horizon. How odd, that such a world could exist layered upon ours.

The smells out here in the dense trees are not as bad as they were in the unnatural cities of these humans. Most all of them were foreign, but the spicy scent of tree bark and sap reminds me of the home I left behind. If I close my mind and walk blindly, I can almost imagine that I am traveling through the gardens of Azure.

That vision shatters when I hear a strange mechanical motor, and I glare in its direction.

The rumbling is coming from just beyond the trees, and curiosity pulls my feet forward. The humans are soon to be extinct, after all. Why not marvel at their creations, study them so that my people can replicate their advancements?

I walk along the clearing, watching as the large machine races down the street on wheels made of black magic. How was this possible? Twin lights shine from the front of the transport, and I shield myself in the shadows as it draws nearer.

As it passes, I tense.

That is the moment I smell it. A scent so overwhelming, so powerful, that just one smell threatens to override all of my other senses as it passes through my nostrils. It travels down my throat, and I can taste the decadence of whatever blood this being has pumping through its warm body.

I shudder, gripping the rough bark of the tree beside me.

Whatever it is, I must have it.

My first look upon a human was nothing special. They have fear in their eyes, the same as any prey. I've noticed no difference in their scent, and didn't especially want to taste their blood. I much prefer the animals, the ones without spoken thoughts clouding their brains.

Whoever was in the metal box that sputters down the roadway was different than the others, and the need to sink my teeth into their flesh for just one taste is too overwhelming to control.

I follow the moving machine as it turns and parks beside a lone structure. A fence lines the property, though it is not latched shut.

My lips curl upward, and I bite back the laughter that threatens to spill from my mouth. Do they think that such boundaries will stop me from getting inside their precious home? I think not.

The door to the back of the box opens, and a man spills forth. The scent grows, and I take a step forward, leaving the forest behind.

And that is when I see her.

Brown curls fall from her shoulders, and even from the distance of where I stand, I can see the freckles that dot the brown skin of her cheeks. Her eyes are brown orbs floating against a white backdrop, like the second moon from my homeland. My breath catches in my throat, and I stumble backward.

A searing hot ache explodes from my chest, shooting out like an invisible tendril and linking me to her.

The Calling has chosen.

My mate is here.

I smile, even as the impossible complications of our pairing filter through my thoughts. It doesn't matter that she is a human, that we are a completely different species, or even that she doesn't drink blood.

She is mine.

I watch silently as she is grabbed by another male, and a growl builds in my chest. I do not like the way he touches her. As a matter of fact, I don't like the fear that my female shows on her face. She should never be frightened, and she never will be again, if I have any say in it.

Other women climb out of the truck, but I pay them no mind. My focus is solely on my mate as she moves her head from side to side, swinging her dark curls through the air. I breathe in deeply, inhaling the intoxicating scent that radiates from her skin. I smell more fear.

My eyes narrow. Something must be wrong.

I cock my head, and turn my attention to the other males that are there with them. There is one sure way to know of their intentions, although the last thing I want to do is see into another human's mind. Once was enough, and I think back to the ragged man I encountered when I exited the portal into this world. His clothing was soiled with his own waste, and the only thing of value I could get from his thoughts was the language he was speaking. Once I was able to decipher his mindless ramblings, I was disinterested, disgusted even.

But for the sake of my mate's safety, I would invade these vile males' thoughts.

I can't wait until Josh lets me have her. It's been too damn long since I've had a girl. I hope she doesn't fight too hard. Maybe I can find a way to roofie her first.

Mental images flash before my eyes, and the things this human imagines enrages me so violently that my heart stops beating. My fangs ache, and my mouth pools with venom. These men do not respect the females. They want to control them, to use them for their own sick pleasures.

They will all die, slowly and painfully. It is a promise I make to myself at that moment, before I race toward the building.

Even with my speed, I am too late. They are already through the door before I reach the gate, and I hear the groaning of metal as a large lock clicks into place. My feet slow. I've only just found her, and already, I have failed her.

My heart sinks, a hollow feeling taking hold in the wake of my failure. Perhaps I am cursed, and that is why things such as these only seem to happen to me. Or better yet, maybe this is my punishment for bringing my people through the void. My sins have been tallied, and now, it is time for me to pay.

But must she suffer because of my incompetence?

It cannot happen. I reach out with my mind, finding her. She is frightened, but her inner voice is like music to my ears.

Oh shit. They're going to rape us.

Ah, so rape is the word for their disgusting violation of women. If it weren't for the softness of her mind and the gentle tone of her thoughts, I would believe all of humankind to be demons. Seems that the males are the abomination of this land though, not her. The other girls do not have malicious intent either, and the only thoughts that come from their minds are fear-induced.

I focus back on my mate. Her safety is my priority, and maybe, I can find a way in through her eyes.

They're arguing. Oh... they're going back outside. If they only leave one of them with us, maybe we can knock him out. Maybe... maybe we can get his gun, and kill them. Ugh, God, I've never shot a gun before.

I smile to myself. Being with her, even in this way, is comforting. And besides that, she has now given me a way in. All I have to do is simply wait. When they come back outside, I will kill them, and then I will free her.

After that, she will be so proud. She will see that I am a worthy mate, and we will complete the Calling. She will be mine and I hers; in flesh, blood, and soul.

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