The Price of Having Fun

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The cool breeze outside felt nice on your skin. You had changed into a tracksuit to play with the boys. Two teams were made and you stood on opposite sides of the net. 

On your team were Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Yachi, and Kiyoko.

On Hinata's side was Kageyama, Nishinoya, Tsukki, Yams and Tanaka. 

It looked like an unfair layout to Everyone since Yachi and Kiyoko could barely play but you knew better than that.

You were having the time of your life on the court. It had been so long and you felt as if you were reunited with your one true love. A gigantic grin had embedded itself onto your face and you were cheering on your teammates and opponents as you played. Correcting everyone where needed and complementing and learning from everyone along the way.  Soon you had won the 1st set, 25-10. (Author-Chan apologizes for not knowing how to write a sports match. I will research and do better in the future hopefully. <3)

It wasn't a miraculous win. It was just that time had not damaged your skills but it did do a number on your stamina and endurance. Emotions ran wild in your heart as you spiked the ball or received it, causing you to exert yourself more than when you did while doing a combat workout or cardio. Your serves weren't as firm and confident as before and you found yourself struggling to run across the court and jump again and again. Your jumps themselves were about as high as Hinata's but you knew that you could do better. You were able to do a libero set when you received the ball once but it was slightly off. Your setting skills during the match weren't rusty but your focus wasn't on point. The way you'd block was making your shoulders hurt, you were beginning to understand why you were told to take it easy. 

You coughed repeatedly into the cloth that you had Yachi tie on to your forearm and before long, the white cloth had several red stains which you ignored. Big Mistake. Just as you were about to begin with the 2nd set, a sharp pain erupted in your side. You doubled over and coughed into the cloth until it was no longer white. The ball dropped. Yamaguchi's serve was perfect but you weren't able to witness it. Nonetheless, you sent him a thumbs up while you fell over to the side, curling into a ball. 

Everything stopped for a moment while you regained your ability to breathe normally. Your eyes closed slowly as you were lifted with strong arms and put on the couch, the sudden move made you dizzy and it was a while before you could open them again to see who was now rocking you back and forth in their embrace while rubbing your back.

Tsukishima glared at you when you opened your eyes. A glass of water was handed to you by Suga and you took it gratefully. With shaking hands, you slowly drained it, "That serve was perfect Yams, I could tell by the sound." 

Everyone was silent when you said that, another bright smile made its way to your face, " Hands down, that was the most fun I've had in 2 years!" 

Your excitement was met with glares and you sighed, defeated, waiting for the lecture that was sure to come. Suga was the first to start, " Are you insane? You could have hurt yourself and for what? No reason? You were in obvious pain. Look at what you've done!"

Daichi thundered next, " (L/n) (MM/n) (F/n) ! I do not care how good you are. You put your health in danger and put your team's dynamic into serious question for a joyride. Look at this, young lady! This was white! You won't be playing at all until you are healed."  

Kiyoko started to take off the bloody cloth to reveal that the damage was worse than they first thought, several layers were stained red. 

Asahi nodded in agreement, "You're grounded."

Tanaka and Noya crossed their arms at you and the way Yachi and Yamaguchi glared at you was just funny. They looked like little kids trying to scold their older siblings for something they were told was wrong. Hinata and Kageyama were conflicted and were watching the entire encounter with interest, but you could tell that they were worried. You felt laughter bubbling up in your chest which died down the minute you looked into Tsukishima's eyes. He looked beyond angry. His grip on your body had turned bruising but you kept quiet about it and just nodded solemnly. 

That night, you were no longer allowed to play or do any physical work. So you settled with playing board games with the kids and making everyone snacks. Daichi stopped practice around 7 and sent everyone to study and do homework. Tsukishima had refused to speak with you so both of you just did your respective work in silence in your room. This was perfectly FINE with you. Dinner was made by the 3rd years today and you thanked them for the meal. 

It was sweet of them to help out and you talked about the things the team needed to know, like how they were to mention you to others if anyone were to ask and what the limitations of pictures of you were. They weren't to be shared with anyone out of a secure circle and they understood. 

When nightfall came, you went to your room and Tsukishima followed. He stubbornly laid down on your bed but refused to say anything. He just stared. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of speaking first, you just stuck your tongue out at him and got to work on your laptop. Things had changed majorly for your company and arrangements needed to be made.

Tsukishima watched you work with a dark scowl on his face. What was it with you? After the day you had, anyone would be in a bad mood or at least in the mood for some rest. You just kept working away as if nothing had happened. He didn't even realize that he was getting closer to the edge of your bed where your chair was until you turned to look him in the eye. Your noses were almost touching and you sighed. You then sat straight and put his head in your lap as you continued to type. A hand playing with his soft golden curls. Tsukishima went rigid at your touch in shock but didn't move away. You took that as a sign and kept doing it until he fell asleep. You immersed yourself in sending emails and moving things around. It wasn't going to be simple but you were determined to make the best of what had happened. Nothing would stop you. The only sound through the night was your keyboard clicking away and Tsuki's soft calm breaths. This was nice, you were focused, and playing with his hair was helping you destress after the insane events that had burdened your day.

You were content with how things were until he sat up, a look of rage on his face when he woke up. His sudden movement making you stumble back into your chair. Golden light now streamed through your window...oh shit, it was morning.  And Tsuki was angrier than ever.

Oh my god...why do I feel like today is going to be even worse than yesterday? 

Broken Smile (Haikyuu) Tsukishima Kei x Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now