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Everyone's eyes were glued to the television in your living room. Daichi was holding Suga who was barely holding on to his sanity, he looked as if he would murder somebody at this moment. Asahi was praying in the corner. Tanaka and Noya were sitting near Kiyoko who was now wrapped in a blanket on the couch. She was clearly anxious after she had explained what had happened in your room. This especially unnerved Yachi who was silently crying in Yamaguchi's chest, Yamaguchi was just as emotional as Yachi at this point. Hinata had leaned into Kageyama's arms. Both of them were stunned silent and still. Tsukishima had long lost his cool and was wringing his hands through his hair. 

You were being brutally interviewed by several journalists who were trying to get you to lose your cool and break down under their accusations. The hype around scandals fueling them to the point where any shame was forgotten.  "Are you now Dating Shizumu Kiyoko- San? Was this how you got the deal between the two families? Are you going to come out now? Are you going to quit modeling after this since you are in an alleged relationship that got exposed? Did you leave volleyball as well because of your insatiable lust for money and power? Is this some kind of publicity stunt to gain attention to your upcoming launch Or will it be canceled since your secret has been revealed?..." Little did they know, you were a badass that had tolerance that saints could only dream of. Their offensive questions and remarks slid off your back. 

Questions kept coming in and you just sat there for a while till everyone quieted down, then you smiled charmingly. "I'm sure all of you have surely seen the picture that was posted yesterday on social media without my knowledge or consent. In response to that, I would like to inform you that I and Shizumu-san are not dating.  We are merely friends. We go to the same school and she was over at my place. She was holding my hands as they were cold at that moment. It was a very laid-back and informal setting. Anything related to business or work was never mentioned or brought up. I am not coming out as anything because I am too invested with my work and studies to date anyone. As for my sexuality, I would rather not comment on that as I am still a minor and would like to refrain from sexualizing my presence here in any way. Especially while in a business setting. I had to stop playing volleyball because I was severely injured in an incident and will go back to playing in around 6 months' time when my internal injuries heal. Volleyball has always been a priority for me. I love the sport immensely and you can expect great things in the future from me when I come back. I am passionate about the empire I have built in the last 2 years but that does not mean that the corporate world has taken me away from anything. Neither has my personal life. I never intended to stop modeling. It is a passion of mine that I take pride in. This was not a publicity stunt by any means. The launch is still on and relations between our families have been good for years now. " Your words had silenced the auditorium. Journalists who had tried to question your character had no idea what to say to that anymore. So, when someone asked about the upcoming project. The topic was happily changed, and you spoke about the launch with a big smile on your face. 

As time passed on, you even cracked a few jokes about your school life, "You know it's funny because when you say 'project' I think of the several assignments I have that are due soon and I can just feel my teachers scolding me for my bad handwriting." That got the tense atmosphere to fade as you chuckled and things were smooth from there.  

In the end, a journalist even stood up and apologized for everything that had happened to which you just smiled brightly, "That's okay, there is no need to apologize. Anybody can make errors, it is human nature. People sometimes forget that I'm just a normal high school girl too at times. I just hope that you continue to give me your love and support as always." 

Several people caught that bit on camera and fangirled over you. Your forgiveness and inner light had reached everyone who was watching. And just like that, your plan had worked. You had gone from receiving hate comments this morning to being loved and respected in the public eye once again. 

Broken Smile (Haikyuu) Tsukishima Kei x Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now