💓C h a p t e r 6 : S i g n s💓

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"looks like Aang likes your outfit" Toph turned back at me winking

"don't be silly he doesn't" i say bringing my head in my arms

"wait you like him don't you" Suki interrupts

"N-NO s-shut u-up" i say blushing red as everyone turned to me

"look he already showing

signs" Toph teased to me

~ T h i r d   P e r s o n ' s  V i e w ~

Zuko than walks in class with his mini gang of friends then Katara notices a what seemed to be bike key in his school jacket 

"hey you rode your motorbike!" Katara said as she grabbed Zuko's wrist

"no i didn't" Zuko said as everyone paid there attention to them 

"well if i take the key and see a motorbike, would the key work in it?" Katara said trying to grab the key in his school jacket 

"no why would it" Zuko said 

Meanwhile Aang was staring in what seemed to be 


but he didn't know what he was feeling but watching their teasing ticked of something to him

. . .

~ K a t a r a ' s  P o v ~

After the teacher arrived, we have science and we had to have partners and Toph and Suki were already pared and i was alone

"ahem, do you have a partner?' someone asked behind me

I turn around

"no, i don't" i smile

"hi, I'm Meng, do you think we can be partners?' she asked in a shy pose

I smile at her warmly like i do to everyone 

"sure thing!" i say grabbing a seat for her 

"i don't think i noticed you in class before" i say to her 

"oh, i just moved schools" she smiled warmly at me

"ok Meng, do you know the basics of chemistry?" i ask, offering to be her guide 

. . .

After school i exit school walking home, to go to the book store

"hey are you going to the book store?' Aang said behind me

I turn around

"yep" i say smiling 

"good" Aang said looking away from me

"are you walking with me?" i ask as Aang walks in my direction

"H-hey! i am going to the book store" Aang said looking always in the opposite direction 

"thanks for the band aid " i smile at him

"yeah yeah it was nothing" Aang covered his face from me 

. . .

"were here" i say as i open the entrance to the book store

Aang speed walks in and i trail very slowly behind 

"so what book are you into" i ask, making a conversation 

"anything that i like and can get my "hands" on" Aang turned to me

"hands, haha" i say with a fake face 

"anyways are you in the study group like after school?" i ask Aang

"yeah, you should be there, it really good for studying anything and you get the proper help" Aang explained

I stare at him and ask him a question

"hey why are you so nice to me?" i ask wondering why

He stops and turns to look at me

"you really don't remember, do you?" Aang said in a confused look

I shake my head 


can't i anyway?" Aang asked

"can't you, your a jerk at school " i cross my arms 

There was silence, after a few seconds i see the book i want and get the  tiny chair 

"your going to fall down like last time" Aang crossed his arms

"no I'm not, i got this!" i say as i tippie toe on the tiny chair 

"gothca" i say grabbing the book

I look down and slowly go down and Aang grabs the book easily on the top shelf (yes he is tall UwU)

"tall boy" i say as i roll my eyes

"hey, you could of asked me to get it for you" Aang teased

I sat on a chair in anger and read the book as did Aang

. . .

After reading for few hours i stand up

"alright i am going home" i say standing up

"it late out" Aang pointed out 

"well i can walk home by myself" i say reassuring him

Aang stands up and gives me my bag while grabbing his...

"here let me walk you home"

Choices By LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz