Chapter 5 🌟

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"What happened to your thigh?" I blurt out, poking at the bandages with my brush and quickly recoiling when she winces a bit.

"I fought Sumire last night, this cut didn't heal all the way through since you know my regeneration isn't as good as mom's." Haruki sighed as I ran my hands through her thick hair, parting it expertly.

My eyes widen like saucers, and my jaw practically drops to the floor. "You fought her?!"

Haruki actually willingly left her house to fight somebody?! Our class rep at that?!

I need those details!

"Yeah, She was the culprit all along like I thought she was." Haruki mumbled, her voice soft as I brush through her hair slowly. I could barely close my mouth from how shocked I am, staring at her face through the mirror.

She seems calm, just a bit more tired than usual. In fact, she's just sitting there with closed eyes, her dark lashes fluttering against her cheekbones as she answers my questions.

"How'd you confront her? Or like how did the fight start?" I ask, turning back to her hair and brushing through the ends softly, watching as they bounced and curled up naturally at the ends.

Unlike my pin-straight hair, Haruki's always had a bit of a wave pattern or curl at the ends of her own hair. My mom's always obsessed over it since she has no idea where it came from in the family tree.

"I went to talk to uncle Naru about it, and he told me that I was right. And then there was this really big burst of chakra at our old clan park, and it was a beast Sumire unleashed! The adults had it under control of course but Sumire was nowhere to be found." She then sighed before continuing.

"That's when I went and found her myself, and the fight started." She said, blinking slowly at the vanity mirror across from her.

"What'd mom say when she found out?!" I can't help but ask, pausing my handiwork on her hair to pay full attention to the story.

God if it were me my mom would've yelled at me like there was no tomorrow. What'd she do to Haruki? Give her a small pat on the back?

"I guess uncle Naru told her to take Sumire, so she showed up after the fight and told me to come home and sleep, so I did. But this morning she was home for a little bit and I was awake then, so then we talked."

She then sighed, fluttering her eyes open before continuing.

"She told me she wasn't mad or anything, and I didn't do anything wrong. But I got upset and asked her why everybody was letting Sumire off the hook, and she told me that in certain situations I have to learn to forgive, this is one of those situations." She mumbles the words almost poutily much to my surprise.

"And you haven't forgiven her?"

"Am I a bad person for not wanting to like a girl who almost killed our baby brother?" She asked quietly. I shake my head, returning to brush through other sections of her hair.

"Not at all, you're usually just so forgiving, it caught me off guard."

"Yeah, mom said the same thing." She sighed, bringing up a hand to her forehead and rubbing at it. "She told me to not be so stubborn, and that I look just like dad whenever I get all upset."

I snort at that, smirking a bit at the small glare on her face "You know from the pictures we've seen of him from when he was a kid, I agree." My smirk turns to a smile when she rolls her eyes lightheartedly.

"It's in the eyes." I went on to muse, to which she shook her head. "Dad looked like a mean kid." She claimed, twisting around and arching a brow at me.

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