Shrinking Solves Everything

Start from the beginning

  "Awesome sauce..." Toby murmers.

  Looking closely you hum agreeing. The Furgolator was pretty awesome sauce. It had deep grooves and complicated designs on the outside, swirls and patterns surrounding gems that were embedded in the metal of the machine. Complicated parts could be seen as it slowly buzzed to life. 

  Standing by Toby observing the machine he scoots to give you room. Touching the Furgolator it was cold under your fingertips but certain parts of it felt warmer. The warm parts must be where the fuel lines. Humming curiously as you close your eyes you could feel a slight pull of magic. This machine didn't run on technology alone.

 Looking at Blinky worried he grunts ignoring your concern as he begins pressing buttons fine tuning the equipment for human use.

 "Still bad idea." Aarrrgh states crinkling his nose at the Furgolator. You nod watching as smoke billows out of the pipes in big black puffs, creaking and huffing noises escaping the relic as it sputters to life.

 The metal warms under your hand and you pull away feeling it begin to burn. Grabbing Toby he whines but as the room grows hot he understands why you did what you did.

  "Thanks." You nod and he shoulder bumps you making you laugh as you bump back.

  Watching Blinky type and seeing Jim fidget you feel anxious. Aarrrgh comes towards you, gently nuzzling you and Toby. Smiling you turn giving him some scratches before looking back at Blinkous.

 "Yeah I agree with Aarrrgh maybe..." You start to suggest. You were worried about Jim getting hurt when he shrunk. After all with you in this world it was possible anything could change and you didn't want to watch your friend suffer. What if something went wrong? What if it was your fault? 

 "Nonsense Master Jim will be fine!" Blinky persuades as he takes Jim's shoulders and leads him into the Furgolators open doors. 

 "Wait a minute so how does me going into this thing help me get a gnome out of a hole?" Jim asks leaning against the padded wall of the Furgolator.

  Orange circles cover his face as the light from the machine shines on him. He holds up his hand looking away from one pointing directly into his eye and glances at Blinky concerned before looking to you and Toby.

 You both shrug and Jim swallows nervously making you feel guilty.

 "Blinky maybe we could do something else?" You question. 

 "If the gnome won't come out the Trollhunter must go in!" Blinky responds confidently as he finished his button mashing. The Furgaloator hummed as it was now set.

 "Wait. What?" Jim asks confused.

 "Blinky what if I tried magic again? Maybe it'll work this time!" You state watching as the Furgolator slolwy closes with Jim inside.

 "Haha don't worry!" Blinky states. "We often use the Furgolator to compress minerals." He assures before walking towards Toby. "And now for the anthracite." 

 "Hey!" Toby protests as Blinky takes away his new rock. You pat Tobies shoulder and watch as the doors close around Jim trapping him inside the golden coffin.

 "Wait! But you've done this a few times on flesh and bone right?" Jim pauses as Blinky doesn't answer. "Right?" He demands beginning to panic. You hear him start to bang on the door and your hands shake as you look to Blinky for conformation. 

 "Not exactly." Blinkous responds putting the anthracite into the machines power core to make it turn on. "But I'm not concerned." He says waving his hand as if to push any anxiety he had aside.

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