I was dubbed SCP - 4001 - B(im not sure if an scp allready has that number... As if there was or will be i guess i now take that role?) and thorax is SCP - 4001- A
Were called the "Bizzare Brothers" we were dubbed safe due to the fact we are realy chill and...well we arent realy hostile nor have been a real danger to the foundation... Plus on my stand thorax has some allready existing good rep with the foundation and i was able to use that.

Also if they tried jack shit i can pretty much just teleport myself out. And take Thorax with me.


| File name. : SCP - 4001 - b and SCP - 4001 - a
SCP - 4001 - B or "gentle giant"
Scp - 4001 - B is a humanoid metalic creature with questionable anatomy and an even more bizzare chemical make up|
| AT first scp 4001 B - seems to be made of a crimson colored molten metal like substance and white sturdy bones similar to a stalactite's in terms of formation but in actuality its some sort of hardened dense liquid of questionable ORIGIN similar to liquid metal and honey in terms of texture and density
When asked about what he is made off scp 4001 - B responded with 'Metal, Bone and Power.' not exactly a usefull reply but a wellcomed if rather simple one

He gave us a small sample of the blood and bone. The blood had healing and enhancing properties while the bones were just durable... Interesting but not entirely a priority in terms of medical progress on our part |

|A D-class was treated on multiple broken bones using SCP - 4001 - B's blood... The subject bones healed significantly faster than usual and his skeletal structure is now x 1.5 stronger than your avarage human skeleton, same result with his musculatory sistem|
| That D class is now a guard as his new phisique made him ask if he can earn such an honor |
| SCP 4001 - B is very friendly among the employes as he does a variety of activites with them ( such as multiple video games, simple chating, playing games such as chess etc) |
| SCP 4001 - B is to be let free to roam around and interact with employes for increased morale (its not like we can stop him aniways) |

| anomalaus efects :

SCP 4001 - B posses a ridiculos amount of phisical power being able to lift 4 tons when he is playing around by his own volision

SCP 4001 - B has knowlege of multiple martial arts (I.E) boxing and even one of its own making called "way of nature"
Wich is used by scp 4001 to mimic the sharp instincts/strengs of multiple animals, agility of cat, Power of a lion, defense of rhino etc
( Dr.Bright has convinced scp 4001 - B to teach him this martial arts (he learned cat related moves / ...... Now Dr.Bright has to be suppervised by armed guards when in 10 meters of scp 4001 - B)

SCP 4001 - B knows "magic" wich is explained by him as not unique and he can even teach that (somehow this creature is able to utilise its own energy to bend the laws of physics to its will.... Or simply working around its rules... The subject replied that his own energy was similar to heat so we can simply use for further theories and tests.)

( yet again Dr.Bright has convinced scp 4001 - B to teach him a spell... surprisingly it worked...
Aparantly dr brigth learned the spell 'Cobwebs' for 'extra pranking effiency'

 Aparantly dr brigth learned the spell 'Cobwebs' for 'extra pranking effiency'

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