chapter 13- friends

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pov: lexie

"dr. wilson did you finish charting?" i asked. she looked at me for a second before answering me.
"yes dr. grey. i was wondering if-" she was cut off by both our pagers beeping erratically. 911; E.R.
"let's go!" i yelled and we both ran to the elevator and to the E.R.

"hunt what do we got?" i asked as i entered the trauma room.
"27 year old male with a multiple crush injuries and a blunt force trauma to the head!" he yelled back.
"what the hell happened to this guy?!" i questioned frantically as i looked at his head. owen took a deep breath.
"he got ran over by a horse," owen replied. one of the strangest backstories i've heard.
"oh my god! page shepherd, and hunt you should take a look at this!" i yelled as i looked at his head. the skull was bashed in and you could see brain matter.
"something tells me this guy wasn't just ran over by a horse," owen whispered as he looked at the destruction.

we took him into surgery but there was nothing we could do for him. he was gone a while ago, and we declared him brain dead at 9:53. i walked out of the O.R. to see jo crying.
"what's wrong?" i asked her.
"oh- dr. grey i'm so sorry. i'm just gonna go-" she started to say.
"dr. wilson! what's the problem? why are you crying in my hallway?" i asked sharply.
"why couldn't we save him? he got beat and ran over by a horse and we couldn't save him. why did he have to die?" she said sobbing.
"we can't save everyone," i paused as i thought about nick, mark's carotid patient. i remember holding his neck closed for hours. "we can't save everyone because some people have to die." i thought about george. "they have to die so YOU can learn from them and not let it happen again. that's why people die, okay? but you're gonna have to be better at reacting to it. i don't wanna see you crying again!"

"i'm sorry dr. grey," she whimpered.
"it's okay. do you wanna go get a drink with me?" i asked.
"sure!" she exclaimed.

slexie: survival of the plane crash ✈️ 💥 Where stories live. Discover now