"Don't worry he has." Mina confirmed with a smile.

"Y-Yeah of course I have, Mom." He retorted before rubbing the back of his hair, looking up in thought. 'Wait, have I been respectful to Mina? I mean the first thing we did was that!' 

They had finished dinner late and Izuku's mom insisted, yet again, for them to stay the night. This time they tried to refuse, claiming curfew, Izuku even reminding her that she was the one who signed for him to live in the dorms. She waved that all off by calling the school, talking to Aizawa directly. He said it was okay, just confirming that it was Midoriya and Ashido. 

Both Mina and Izuku gulped having been able to hear their teacher's scruffy voice over the line. 'Crap, he found out about us!'

Nonetheless, it was decided that they would stay at the Midoriya household for the night. Inko brought out an air mattress for her son, saying they could sleep in his room as long as it was on different beds. Izuku's mom even found some of his old clothes that Mina could wear so she wouldn't sleep in her uniform.  

"Your mom is pretty cool about everything." Mina mentioned as she entered his room after changing in the bathroom. She was in a smaller version of his word shirts, this one said pajama, and she was wearing some actual pajama pants to go with it. She skipped before jumping to a sitting position next to him on the bed. His room was pretty tame considering most of his things were at the dorms.                 

"Yeah, it's kinda weird I didn't think she'd be like this. She mumbled something about nostalgia when she was a teen, I don't know." 

"Do you think she likes me?" Mina asked leaning on his shoulder. "I mean I think she did but..."

"I know she did, I mean I don't think she would let us be in this situation otherwise."

"Good point." She yawned, stretching out her body before climbing deeper into the bed. "Well, night. Shoo, shoo." Honestly, she didn't want to do anything intimate with Izuku, under his mom's roof, it felt weird and disrespectful in a way. She rolled her eyes at the thought, she and Izuku did just do that in a cheap hotel just yesterday and it was not respectful.   

"Are you kicking me off my bed?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yup!" She did not hesitate to respond as she made herself as comfy as possible, even daring to smugly snuggle into his All-Might sheets.

"Those are mine..." He mumbled.


"I said, yeah, it's getting late." He rolled his eyes as he went to turn off the lights.    

They were laying on individual beds, staring at the same ceiling. Even though they were caught off guard by Izuku's Mom, the problem of last night's lingering 'I love you' was still there. Both of them were thinking about it and the conversation they were having at the park.

"Hey, Izuku, are you still awake?"

"Yes, sweety, I just turned off the lights."           

"I was just thinking, what I said, yesterday, I mean..." She hesitated as she turned her eyes from the ceiling to his direction. 

"Oh..." He sat up from the inflated mattress. "Mina, it's like you said at the park," He rubbed the back of his hair, looking over at her. She had sat up on her knees, on the edge of the bed, looking down at him as he spoke. Her golden eyes always seemed to pierce the night. "You were tired last night, so i-it doesn't matter what you said, okay?" He wanted to make it as less awkward as possible for her.

Her eyes widened. Izuku was giving her an out, she could take back what she accidentally let slip. She couldn't help but to express herself with her body. She reached out to hug him, he was caught off guard by the weight shift, and fell back on the air mattress, with her toppling him, her arms squeezed around his neck. "I'm not going to take it back, if you don't!"


"Idiot, don't act like you didn't say it either!"

"You... You were awake?"

She shook her head, her face buried against his cheek. "I thought I dreamt it but I didn't."   

Izuku's eyes were wide as he stared at the ceiling. After she said it on the train, he whispered it back a few minutes after, when he thought she was fully asleep. "You weren't supposed to hear that." 

"But I did." She lifted her head before placing her forehead against his head, with her eyes closed and her lips raising slightly. "And you weren't supposed to hear what I said." Even if it was a slip of the tongue. 

"But I did." His lips raised, understanding where she was going with it. 

"So I guess we both heard something that we shouldn't have, huh?" 

"Yeah, and I think, we'll have to keep what we said secret, at least until we're ready, right?"

"Yeah, babe till we're ready..."

The next morning, even though Inko told them they had to sleep on separate beds she couldn't find it in herself to punish them when she found them cuddled asleep together on the air mattress. She rested a cheek on her hand as she sighed. 

"Geez, I'm supposed to be upset at the fact that he's growing up." 

But Inko Midoriya couldn't deny that she approved of her son's relationship.   

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