Weak And Human

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(This one is a quickie lmao. It's not good.) 


I could smell something so sweet, so intense it was nearly giving me a headache, as I searched the classroom with my eyes a new student walked in. She seemed small, and weak. "Mate." My wolf David repeated over and over again. I studied her features, she was amazing, when she looked to the ground however I notice bruising on her neck, fury filled me and I had to stifle a growl and David. She was clearly a human and I didn't want to scare her. She looked to me, and was caught up in the sight of me. I relished in the fact mate was attracted to me, she looked away however and shook her head. Doubt maybe? Why would she think she couldn't have me? An insatiable lust filled me and I wanted her more than anything, I ignored it best I could but her scent was so strong.

The teacher told her to introduce herself, she looked as if those single words shattered her. "Um... I'm Sydney, I moved here with my father." Her voice was heavenly, but it nearly broke when she said father. That must be where those injuries came from. I 

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