Mt Mother

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(I'm sorry if this feels like a copout, I just like happy endings.)

The next day, Yu saw that Midoriya's disappearance hadn't gone unnoticed. The whole school was looking for him hoping for his return, if only they new the truth. All Might wouldn't stop worrying where his successor (son) was, Aizawa interrogated every villain he could, his mother had cried non stop about how she was a terrible mother, even the students worried about the kid. She had to find a way to fix this, she needed to bring him back.

She still remembered her conversation with the boy before he got digested, how he was quirkless and the whole thing with One for All. Looking back on it, why did she even want to eat him anyways, because of how many times he managed to avoid her and how long it took her to get him? Afterwards she asked the head of the Hero commission if there was anything they could do.

"Yes, it's surprisingly common for predators to eat someone and then regret it." The head said over the phone. "here is a way to undo it, but it isn't easy. There's a villain with a quirk called revival, it allows her to recreate a living person, however she can only do it if she has a sample of their dna and considering the person you want to bring back died in your stomach, you'll need to harbor him there while he's remade."

"So basically she's going to impregnate me with him." Yu said starting to catch on.

"Not entirely, he'll be in your stomach rather then your womb for a few days." The head replied. "Don't worry about digesting him again, a side effect of her quirk makes the target pretty much immortal until they return to normal. Once he comes out however, he'll be in a infant body but will remember everything from his life. Everyday will be a year for him until he reaches the age he was last at. After that, he'll be back to normal."

'Great, now I'm going to be a mother to a kid I swallowed and digested, and he's going to remember that part as well.' Yu thought to herself. "So what prison is this woman at?"

"That's the hard part, she resently escaped Tartarus prison." The Head revealed. Yu wanted to break something, now she had to track down some bitch just to get the kid back?!

"Not for long, I'm not giving up." Yu replied before hanging up. So her plan was simple, find the villain and get her to use her quirk, get Midoriya back, and raise him for about 15 days before returning him.

After learning about her target, she went out to search for the villain named Goddess. She had only escaped three days ago so she was most likely still in Japan. After a long search she finally found her, she was at the airport trying to flee the country. Mt Lady quickly intercepted her, and a kid?

"And where do you think you're going, Goddess?" Mt Lady quipped.

"M-Mt Lady?!" Goddess replied in shock. "You don't usually go for small time villains like me."

"Well, I have my reasons." Mt Lady replied before looking at the kid. "What's with the boy?"

"He's my son, we are leaving this country." Goddess replied as she protects her son. "And I'm leaving Villainy here with it."

'Well I guess this might make things easier' Yu thought to herself before speaking. "Well, if you do something for me, I won't say a word."

"A-And what is that something?" Goddess asked, hoping this was her chance.

"I'm sure you're aware of my quirk's, 'Drawback', right?" Yu asked.

"Ah, let me guess, you ate someone and regretted it." Goddess said now knowing Yu's reason for finding her.

"... Maybe." Yu simply replied.

"Well, you're not the first, nor will you be the last." Goddess replied. "Alright, I do it. But when this you release them, you'll need to feed again as it'll be like you never ate them."

Yu didn't care at this point, she needed to get him back. Goddess used her quirk on Yu's stomach, already she could feel something walking around in her belly. True to her word, Yu let Goddess and her son leave Japan and never said a word, her excuse would be that she escape after hitting her with her quirk. After a day or two, Midoriya grew rapidly in her stomach. Yu started to feel wheezy before throwing up, as a result, Midoriya was now free.

(Izuku's Pov)

After getting digested, Izuku was looking through Mt Lady's eyes and hearing through her ears. He guess this is what happens when you're eaten by someone. He saw everything she was trying to do and heard her every thought, she was trying to bring him back.

At first he didn't understand, she ate him for a reason, right? But after hearing her thoughts, Izuku realized just how much guilt she was holding. After a bit she found the villain, Goddess and asked her to revive him. The next thing he sees are flesh-like walls and food everywhere, he was back in Mt Lady's stomach. But his body didn't feel right, he looked to see he's in the form of a baby

After some time, Mt Lady's stomach starts to push him out. She opened her mouth and threw Izuku up on the floor.

"Uh, great, I'm gonna have to clean that later." Mt Lady said as she picked him up. "Good to see your back kid, sorry about the whole swallowing you thing."

"Aaah goo." Izuku babbled trying to communicate.

"Oh, right, babies don't talk until at least 2." Mt Lady realized while she sits him on the couch. He might be aware, but he can't speak yet. "Alright, here's the deal. I can't just hand you back to your mother like this, she'll most likely have a panic attack. And UA definitely can't find out what actually happened, I actually like teaching believe it or not. So you'll be living with me until you're back to normal, and when that happens, please don't tell anyone about my drawback! I don't want the public to think I'm a vore-girl.

Izuku understood her reasoning. Although he wished to see his mother and friends, he doesn't want Mt Lady to get in trouble for her drawback. He nodded an 'ok' which caused Mt Lady to sigh in relief.

"Well, when you start talking again, just call me Yu, ok kiddo?" Yu replied. This is going to take some getting use to.

(To Be Continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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