Yu Takeyama's Origin

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When Yu Takeyama first got her quirk, it made things a little complicated, but it wasn't until she gained an unbearable hunger that no amount of food could satisfy. After she was taken to a quirk doctor, he explained that what she had was a Vore-Hunger. It was a common drawback among Gigantification type quirks but most common in females, the drawback was that Yu had to swallow someone whole once a year or her hunger would grow out of control and she would eat every living thing she could in an attempt to satisfy it.

This happened once with a hero by the name Giga-Gal, she had a gigantification quirk that allowed her to grow up to 100 meters. At the age of 20 however, as good-hearted as she was,she had the same hunger but never tried to satisfy it. The hunger was soon too unbearable and she lost control. She gobbled up an entire city's worth of people before authorities and heroes managed to arrest her. They noted that the cause of her rampage was her unique hunger and inability to swallow another person.

She was sentenced to life in prison for near genocide and was never heard from again. This was when those with Gigantification quirk were tested to see if they have this drawback, and if they did. They would be fed one person a year until the age of 10 when they are able to receive a license that allow them to pick their own prey called a Vore License.

Despite Yu not wanting to eat another person, she didn't want to end up like Giga-Gal. Over the years, the Hero Commission would select either criminals or people that were forgotten by society to be Yu's prey, of course, they don't tell them that part until it's too late. When they are given to her, Yu would use her quirk to grow and swallow them whole. When she returns to normal, her prey shrinks with her so she never had to worry about a belly bulge. She requested for this drawback to not reach the public as she would prefer not to have an audience when feeding. She found an abandoned warehouse that would be perfect for her to feed in.

Yu soon started to get use to and even enjoyed the program. She loved it when they squirmed and struggle while going down her throat and their little kicks and punches once they reach her stomach.

At the age of 10, Yu aced the Vore Exam and got her license. Once a year, She would pick someone that she believed no one would miss and used her body to subdue them into following her to the warehouse. There, she would lock the door, grow, and consume her prey. This process was made even easier when she became a hero-in-training with a hero costume just begging for a pervert to follow her.

Then the day when her hero career officially began, she stopped some giant villain and stole Kamui Wood's spotlight when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. It was boy with messy green hair and plain yet adorable face, he looked no older then 14. Yu felt her hunger flaring as she decides this boy would be her prey for the year. She attempted to catch up to him but as soon as everything cleared up he vanished.

Yu saw the boy again during the Sludge Villain Incident. He charged straight at the villain with no regard for his own life, at least he managed to stun the villain. Yu felt slightly guilty for chosing him now but she can't back down now, beside, she had the perfect plan to get him to her warehouse.

She would follow him for a bit then try to get his attention. Once she gets it, she would congratulate him in his (small) roll in stopping the villain. After that she would ask him to follow her for some training for a hero school then use her feminine charm to persuade him to say yes if necessary, then as soon as they reach the warehouse he would be all hers.

Unfortunately for Yu, fate had other ideas as right before she was about to make herself known the angry blonde from before and All Might showed up. She wasn't about to try and explain to the Symbol of Peace why she wants some random middle-schooler.

Almost 12 months past and she still couldn't find the kid. She at least knows he's quirkless but not his name nor address. She ended up chosing another prey to take his place, some midget pervert with grape-like hair which actually did taste like grabe. All she needed to do was catch his eye and just walk all the way to the warehouse. He just followed her all the way there with Yu putting in almost no effort, oh well, it's a free meal.

But she hadn't forgotten nor taken her eye off of that green-haired boy. And she was her feeding time again, maybe she'll look for him after the Sports Festival. Sure enough, there he was IN the Sports Festival. Not only was he in the Hero Course and had a quirk, but he was in the very class that was attacked by villains a week prior. Not only that but she had a name now, Izuku Midoriya. This was definitely her chance to get him, it's practically gift wrapped for her.

She would simply send in an internship and maybe rig it to were she was his only option. After pulling some strings she found out that last part was unnecessary as she was the only one who wanted him. Pros today were too scared to try and teach a kid how to control their quirk and would go for one that would boost their ratings, at least it makes things easier for Yu. Now all she had to do was wait for him to her, she takes him to the warehouse for 'training', and finally Yu would have him in her belly.

But once again, fate said no to her. She waited the whole week and went to check why. Apparently, some old-timer sent in a last minute internship and Midoriya went to that one instead! Didn't help that he attacked by the Hero Killer and is now in a hospital! Yu wanted to pull her hair out, the she hasn't even met him personally yet and he's already ruined her plans twice!

But unlike last time, it wasn't a complete loss. She now had a name and a school. Forget the warehouse at this point, she just needs him alone in a secluded area. She been wanting to teach at UA for a bit even before her debut, so she managed to get a teaching license.

Yu doesn't care what it takes at this point, Izuku Midoriya will be in her stomach.

(To be continued)

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