The Cabin

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(A note about this. It's awful. It's actually disgusting. The sex scenes are awful, the angst is disgusting. If you are triggered by self-harm and eating disorders this is not for you.  It's one of the first things I wrote, and I don't even want to think about it most of the time lol. This one is one of the most embarrassing, if not THE most embarrassing. I'm almost tempted to skip this one because it's so bad. The idea was a group of 4 people who are good friends and go glamping every year. This year only Willow and Nick can make it, Nick is in love with Willow and Willow is like a lowkey alcoholic and angsty????? I don't know what happened tbh.) 

We drove to our vacation spot, traveling over the mountains. Every year nick, Amelia, Willow, and James go to washington state for a month over the summer. James and Willow had been a couple but James cheated on her with Amelia who had been with nick. So only nick and willow went this year. Snow started to slowly fall around the car... "god, it's freezing..." Willow shivered.

They drove for another 30 minutes, the road became icy. "Careful Nick..." Willow warned. she felt anxiety from the steep drops, close trees, and slippery ice. "It's fine... i'm a great driver." Nick responded. He felt closer to her somehow, now that it was just the two of them, his mind of course wandered to the time he admitted his feelings from years ago and she turned him down. She had fallen in love with James and couldn't place her feelings for him.

"You aren't though..." Willow sighed. "Well... you're even worse and James isn't here so i'm the best chance we have." Nick sighed. He had suppressed his feelings and ignored them while he was still with Amelia, but now they were in full force. Willow sighed, the car sputtered out and the hood smoked... blowing the hood up in flames. "You've got to be kidding me..." Nick said in anger. He jumped out and stopped the flames. "What? Do we do now?" Willow asked. "There isn't any service up here... and the car is totaled, grab our stuff and we'll walk." He instructed. "I didn't bring a coat... i'll practically freeze, besides where would we go? Were miles away from anything in civilization!" She worried.

Nick ignored her and started walking, she quickly followed being careful not to slip on the ice. She fell behind with her slow steps, nick groaned and slung her over his shoulder. "Hey!" She yelled at him. "You're taking too long..." nick replied with a smile on his face. He walked carrying her for an hour, Willow had fallen asleep on him.

He wanted to collapse and die but as long as she was with him he vowed not to. He shivered and his hands shook until he found a small path, made by man clearly. he was able to walk down the path to a cabin. He put Willow down after he woke her up and kicked the door in.

They walked in, awed that they found a place to wait the storm out. "It's abandoned..." Willow mentioned. Willow was relieved until she noticed that his lips were purple and he shook lightly. "God... how cold are you?" She asked feelings his hands and cheeks. He was extremely cold. "I'm fine..." he murmured. "No your not! God... okay... go sit down on the couch by the fireplace." He complied to her commands, Willow found wood and matches and started a fire.

"How do you feel?" She asked. "I'm cold, we were out there for at least an hour..." he groaned. "Did you carry me all that way?" Willow asked. For some reason her heart jumped. "Of course." He responded. Willow could hear her heart beating.

After about 35 minutes he warmed. Willow felt such release, she shook his body. "You worried the shit out of me!" She wiped a tear off of her cheek. She realized she was warm, she noticed that she wore all three of his jackets. Jackets that he never let anyone touch, "i'm in your jackets... when? When did you put these on me?" she asked confused and kind of honoured. "It's near impossible to wake you up... how are you feeling?" Nick asked. Willow chuckled, "you're always so concerned for me..." she sighed taking them off now warm with the fire filling the house.

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