The Fallen: Our first encounter

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So almost a year after the mercs, Reaper's Brigand, found me..turns out they were apart of the infamous Stalkers...lucky me...picked up by the best of the worst. Anyway nearly a year pasted and I was already the best..the rush of plunging planet side in a one-person capusle...the burn of the metal during atmos-reentery...the jolting bone numbing shock of the reverse thrusters kicking was a rush...and I got to live it.

The boarding parties were the best...waiting for the captain to disable a ship....jumping through the vast void...the seconds ticking away, blowing a hole in the hull...killing everyone and taking your share...god it was perfect!

But through it all I felt there to be something missing...something that was always lingering back in the prison. Someone.

Finally I manged to get some time away from the Reapers...I mean they were like family to mother and brothers and sisters....but I had to clear my head.

They dropped me along with a crew meeting someone on a backwater planet called Horizion.

Seemed like a nice enough place to start out....had some nice beachs..good temp, no natives.

It looked like just another colony....innoccent kids coming out to see the "soilders", haha...parents trying to pull them back once they saw the girl got through....didn't see anyone pulling her back. She came up...excited, not the least bit afraid....not even when another girl around my age step forward to met her...with a leveled was amazing..the girl who ran toward us disarmed  poor little Sammy and pinned her!

It happened in a flash...Sammy looked at the top of the world and next was pinned under this beautiful black haired girl...still just sitting and smiling at me. And that odd feeling was back again...

I suddenly remebered her...

*Her running through the jungle, the color of her vest shining through it all....sweat and jungle dew forming on the vest....her feet barely touching the ground....running.....jumping.....spinning.....trying to get away from them....a pack of gaurds....decked in as night...armed..shooting....trying to bring her down.....try...try again and again but getting farther away.....her slipping into woods. Another escapee!*

It comes flooding back and I find myself tagging her....simple enough tagging....sent the M-5 to non-lethal....shot someone.....tagged....they drop like a bag of rocks and I have a payday....makes snatch and grabs easy.

Anyway once I managed to get the body onto my pod I had the pleasure of finding out who she was....lucky little me!

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