A Not-So-Warm Welcome

Start from the beginning

Alpha Wylda smiled as she admired the moonstone then took Walker's hands in hers. "I never thought I'd see the day this moonstone made it's way home. As Alpha of the Lykensen pack, I would like to thank you and welcome you all back to the home of your ancestors."

Alpha Wylda turned to face her pack, her face aglow with happiness. "Let us all welcome the members of our sister pack and let us rejoice in the return of the other half of the original moonstone."

The wolves of the Lykensen pack howled in celebration as they gathered around to welcome the wolves. Some stayed back, still wary of the new comers, but the rest rejoiced. Walker nodded to his pack and they howled back in response, giving their thanks.

Wynter nudged his shoulder gently. "So much for needing me Mr. Alpha."

Walker shrugged. "I guess I just needed to be in the moment."

Wynter rolled her eyes playfully and Walker shook his head.

"What is going on here!?"

Everyone went silent and turned to see Willa standing at the edge of the clearing with Wyatt and Addison. Willa stormed forward and Wynter stepped forward to cut her off before she could reach the small pack.

"Hey Willa." Wynter chuckled nervously. "So we just got some new members to our pack. Isn't that great?"

Willa growled, uninterested in Wynter's peppy attitude. "Great? Great!? You think this is great!? You led them to our den after I told you we needed to stay away from them!"

"You wouldn't even hear Walker out!" Wynter snapped back. "They're orphans Willa! The rest of their pack is dead! How could we just turn them away!?"

"They're traitors!" Willa argued angrily. "Why should we help them when they wouldn't help us!? They left us to die! And if you would rather help them then look out for your own pack, then that makes you a traitor too!"

Wynter's face crumbled at her words and Willa's eyes widened when she realized what she had said. "Wynter, I didn't mean----Wynter!"

Her words fell on deaf ears as Wynter disappeared in the forest, the sound of muffled sobs trailing off behind her. Wyatt walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I hate to say it, but that was harsh."

"Just.... just leave me alone." Willa shrugged his hand off her shoulder and turned away, taking off in the opposite direction Wynter had gone.

Wylda walked over and gave Wyatt's shoulder a reassuring squeeze as she turned to face Walker and the others. "I apologize for my daughter's behavior. Willa has the potential to be an Alpha, but she struggles with acceptance and looking beyond the wrongs of the past. She only wishes to protect her pack."

Walker nodded in understanding. "I don't blame Willa for her mistrust, I only hope that in time we can prove ourselves to her, and all of you."

"Was what Wynter said true?" Addison asked, taking the moment to speak up. "That you are orphans?"

Walker nodded. "Yeah, we're all that's left of our pack."

"Sorry man." Wyatt replied. "That's gotta be rough. But I guess, welcome to the pack."

"Thanks." Walker replied as he noticed Wade sneaking off. "Wade, where are you going?"

Wade turned then nodded towards the woods. The two stared at eachother for a moment before Walker nodded in understanding and Wade took off into the forest.

"So, where's he going?" Wyatt asked, confused by the silent exchange.

Walker chuckled. "Wade isn't much on words, but I've learned to read his body language and his actions. He's going to track down Willa, make sure she's okay."

"You sure that's a good idea?" Wyatt asked. "Willa isn't much on you guys."

Walker shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not, but Wade won't overstep his bounds. He knows how to read people."

"I hope you're right." Wyatt sighed.

"I know my friend, it'll be alright." Walker replied. "Now, if it's alright to leave the rest of my pack here, I'm going to track Wynter. Willa really nailed it to her."

"Go." Alpha Wylda nodded. "Your pack is safe with us."

"Thank you." Walker replied before walking off into the woods.

Author's Note

Enjoy guys! Until next time! And a big shout put to lonnie456 whose comment made me smile today. Glad you are enjoying my stories!


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