"The merge, however, was not perfect; see, the daughter was pure—too pure; a polar opposite to the malice that the witch inserted." The puppet daughter multiplied into three separate puppets. "She was a little goodie two-shoes, a self-caring, quiet person, and the sapphire madness herself. The personas conflicted with each other—a terrifying result, yet the witch found it amusing for her first-"

The lights went out, cutting the narration. I gasped and stood up from the chair as a sinister, yet familiar feeling surrounded me. Moments later, a single spotlight in front of the stage shone, with the black cat appearing out of the black mist once again.

"So... how was the show?" She asked.
"It... hasn't ended yet, I think..." I couldn't hide my shaky tone.

"True, it is still continuing, even as we speak now."
"Then how is the show so far?"
"Eh-? Umm... I don't know..."

"You do not know, of course." She chuckled. "What do you know, after all?" She left me speechless.
"Isn't it time for you to wake up already?" She continued. "Isn't it time for you to remember and leave this wonderland?"

"B..but I haven't remembered-"
"Perhaps I need to get a little closer to you."

She walked towards me, making no sound yet I could hear every single step she took. Gleaming eyes of green fixated on me as they reflected a distorted image of a terrified little girl. I didn't know what to do. I took trembling steps back until I hit the wall behind. Then I froze, as if she paralysed me.
"What's the matter?" She taunted. "Starting to feel something?"

The cat stopped right in front of me. The chilling aura emitted from her gripped my body firm.
She was right; just like with Mr. Toby and Ms. Ange, it wasn't the first time I felt a presence similar to her. But, at the same time, hers was foreign—otherworldly. It's not the howling winds of adventure and kindness that Mr. Toby gave, nor was it the caring warmth Ms. Ange had; hers were malevolent—grim and cold. Every part of my body screamed danger on her.
If I had met her before, it would be better if I didn't remember her at all.

Her gaze seemed penetrating. I couldn't anything but my thumping heart. The perilous aura she emitted became larger and larger as my body quivered I know I had to do something but there's no way out I'm trapped inside this box with her my mind spirals out of control it's maddening I need hELP-

The light went out again, followed by a shattering noise above me. I shrieked and covered my head as my legs collapsed me down to a crouch. Sharp object of what it felt like glass shards rained down on me, some scarring my hands.

And for a while, blackness surrounded me, terrified of opening my eyes.
My heart was still thumping, trying to break my chest with every pound. The scars on my hand started to sting as I held it by gritting my teeth, lips throbbing.

I could only hope that when I open my eyes, everything would stop.

I wanted this dream to stop.

I wanted to open my eyes and find myself lying in my bed where my mum calls me for breakfast.

I wanted to remember my past.

I wanted to forget this nightmare.


"Fortunately, the witch made a mistake, girl."

But unfortunately, the most vivid, memorable dreams tend to be the nightmares, isn't that true?

"She won't hear us from here, open your eyes."

It's my voice again.

I opened my eyes. I was in total blackness, only surrounded by mirrors from every direction that were like a cage, with several mirror shards scattered on the ground. I expected to see myself as I peeked at one of the mirrors.
But, I found nothing.

I turned around to look at another mirror.

I shot my head to the mirror directly behind me.

Emptiness; no one that gazed back.

As if I was never there; I didn't exist. That thought alone made standing up all the harder for me. The black cat was nowhere to be seen, yet I was still terrified; this is the same voice as the one I heard in the woods, the same voice that slaughtered the dresses and chased me in the ballroom.
The same voice that I heard when I talked.

"Let's... talk." I... she continued, the voice strict and robust, an opposite of how I sounded with it. "Stand straight, repeat after me:" I clenched my hands close to my chest.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall,"
"M..mirror, mirror on the wall..."

"Cast thy reflection,"
"Cast thy reflection,"

"For the person in front of you,"
"For the person in front of you,"

My mind tingled; like a déjà vu, I knew what would come next.

"...Has lost something within herself."

Gradually, a silhouette of a person faded in; all the mirrors did that as I looked around. The silhouette smudged and inched to take form. Before long, it became a reflection, clear as crystal;

The mirrors reflected a tired little girl.

Wonderlandحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن