II - Plea

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I checked everywhere, then a second time; he was nowhere. I would go back to the woods but the thought of those horrors shuddered me out of my intention. I couldn't even call him because I was afraid that those things would hear me instead.
Behind me, a sound of fire flared and crackled. I turned around. There were two sets of candles, lit and lined up to highlight a stone-paved path away from the clearing. Something was guiding me, definitely, but I had no option; I knew I couldn't be here and wait things out.

"Mr. Toby... I'm sorry..." I stepped on the stone pave and took one last look behind. "But, I must go on." I joined my hands, closed my eyes with brows furrowed, and recited a little prayer.

This time, I was truly alone.

Mr. Toby had me accompanied from the start, and without him, everything got a lot creepier. My shoulders jutted at every twig that snapped, and every leaf that brushed, and there were a lot of twigs and leaves. I still couldn't see much, but the stone paves and the candles helped a lot. The light from the candles were somehow soothing, as if they gently restored my sanity after such absurdity; it kept me from getting lost, in the woods and within myself.

Minutes later, the path widened. Another clearing lay in front of me. This time, an ominous mansion was on the other side of the clearing. The walls were from polished stone, and there were no lights emanating from the windows; only a single candle beside the front double-door. There were no other path from the clearing, and behind the mansion was a steep cliff.

I gulped. I knew I had no choice but to go in. Whoever would be in there, I had to ask their help to get me out of these woods. But the darkened mansion was foreboding; my body tensed up hair to toe as I inched towards the door.

My shaky fingers lightly tapped the door, wanting to knock on it, but it opened on its own. I jumped back; frigid wind rushed through me, howling in my ears. The smell of dust overwhelmed as ahead of me lay a dusty stone corridor, supported by two lines of stone pillars, which sported stone candlesticks with its candle lighting by its own as I walked past them, as if to welcome me. And welcome me it seemed to be, as before I knew it my footsteps muffled. I looked down to see a dusty, weathered red carpet stretched to the darkness.
The corridor was seemingly infinite. The door where I entered had disappeared into darkness. I couldn't see very far ahead either; my only lighting were the magical candles.

"E..excuse me..." Seeing it was enchanting, but something was off that made me didn't like it—it exuded an air of haunt.

"Oh? Who do we have here?"

A mature woman's voice echoed. My heart sank; it was so sudden that it flinched me. I couldn't see anyone—the source all around.

"I..I need your help!" I pled. "I don't know where I am, but I need to get out of these woods and find my parents!"

"Hmm...? How did you get here in the first place?"
"Mr. Toby- ...a cat led me to this place, I think... he said that you can help me." I should've put more thought; what if she wasn't the witch that Mr. Toby mentioned?

"I see... well, I suppose I could help you."

"However... are you willing to accept the consequence that your action might bring?" Her tone shifted. She sounded deeper—malicious—and it echoed louder. I took steps back, wanting to head back out, but I couldn't tell if the front door was even there anymore.

"I see you, child. Do not be scared." She continued, being somewhere in the dark, chuckling at my terrified expression. "I only ask something equal in return, so to speak."

"W..what will I need to do?"
"Oh, it depends on your wish, child... and I assure you it will be worth it."


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