Passing of the Uchiha

Start from the beginning


Naruto regained his posture and looked at Madara but not before an unknown force suddenly hit him in the back sending him into the air and before he knew what happened another unknown force hit him across his face sending him back to the ground
Naruto flinched at the pain and his body felt crushed but before he could even recover another unknown force even greater than the ones before pummeled his stomach in one attack digging his crater even deeper into the ground

Naruto : t-this feeling i-it's just like before in the war

Madara stood over the edge of the crater which Naruto laid in and proceeded to speak

Madara: Hm this pointless fighting is getting us nowhere so tell me Naruto who this boy is and why he's so special that you would go out of your way to pick a fight with me?

Naruto: ugh why is it when something important is happening you come along I thought you desired peace

Madara: yes well that all changed when you let rugrats find where I live and made me act like a grandfather to too many children


After the relentless fighting of Naruto and Madara they took the boy who is known as Kawaki to a hospital to get treatment for his injuries but as he recovered he finally awoke from his sleep quite hesitantly as he shot up from his resting position to see Naruto, konohamaru and Shikamaru standing in front of his bed menacingly as they were about to make conversation with Kawaki but surprisingly he made the desperate attempt to escape through the window

"Where do you think you're going..."

In his path sat a man with long raven black hair and eyes colored red as blood
Kawaki's blood ran cold as the man stared him down

"You've caused enough trouble for me as it is brat and you're lucky I didn't kill you when I had the chance," Madara said

Later it was agreed among the five Kage that Kawaki would be under the protection of Naruto and unrestricted within the village.
As Naruto guided Kawaki through the village to his house Kawaki made another desperate attempt to escape but was soon stopped by Madara again when he appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the throat then proceeded to lift him over his head

"Last time brat," Madara said

Madara then threw Kawaki off the building they were on and he landed on the ground where Naruto was standing

"Look I think it's better if you just come with me without any resistance or else that guy up there is going to kill you," Naruto said while looking up at Madara


As Madara retreated to his home in the forest it wasn't long before Sarada came to visit him unannounced, she knocked on his door and proceeded to wait a while until the door opened revealing Madara with his usual sour expression

"What do you want?" He asked

"I saw you fighting lord seventh earlier mind telling me what happened?" Sarada asked

Madara pinched the bridge of his nose and invited her in, as Sarada sat down Madara began to speak while looking out his window

"That brat Kawaki or whatever had me running all over the village and in the end almost killing some civilians so it was clear as day that he wasn't the type to be restrained and watched over so I thought of the next best thing and that's death, but your so-called Hokage stopped me and we had ourselves a little brawl and so he decided to take that boy as his own, tch pathetic" Madara explained while twisting a strain of his hair between his fingertips

"Oh I see well I'm sure Kawaki isn't so bad I mean he probably just needs to get used to the ways we do things in the village," She said

Madara rolled his eyes and walked over to a pouch that was laying on the floor, he then pulled out what looked like a scroll and threw it at Sarada while saying

"Here, it's yours"

Sarada quickly caught the scroll and admired its fatigue, bearing the crest of the Uchiha as its stamp and outlined in red while tied with a golden rope

"Is this!"

"Indeed an Uchiha scroll, I don't know what's in it but I think it's better that you held onto it, who knows maybe it will tell you about the Uchiha's history"

Sarada couldn't believe her eyes a scroll created by the once known warriors of Konoha from long ago in her hands, she immediately jumped from her seat and ran to hug Madara unexpectedly

"Thank you Madara!" she said excitedly

Madara shocked at what the young Uchiha was doing didn't have any words but just let it happened as a small smile formed on his face.

Later Sarada left Madara's estate and proceeded to head home with scroll tightly put away in her shinobi pouch
While Madara looked out his window once more and thought to himself

(What could exactly be inside that scroll maybe I should've looked inside before handing it off hmm)


There I go again...

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