chapter 1 (nsfw)

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I smiled as I looked into the large mirror of the hotel room. A short black dress clung to my body and cute silver heels were placed upon my feet. I turned one more time to get a good look at my outfit before walking over to the dark night stand by the neat hotel bed to check the time on my phone.

"Almost time." I smiled to myself.

Tonight was the night. The premier for the final season of our show, 'Attack on Titan'. I played a simple side character who didn't hold much importance, but it was enough to stay for four seasons and get to go to all of the parties and become good friends with the entire cast. It truly was an honor and an amazing experience that I wouldn't trade for the world.

"(Y/nnnnnn)!" I jumped as I heard my name being called, looking up to see Sasha had burst into my room. A dark green dress was placed upon her muscular body, her hair in its usual pony tail. "The limo is gonna be here in 10 minutes!" She smiled, pulling a bag of chips out of her purse before munching on them.

"I'm so excitedddd. These parties are always the best and we're finally 21! Meaning we can legally drink now!" Sasha raised a brow at my excitement, swallowing the handful of chips she had just stuffed into her mouth. "You act like Hannes and Pyxis weren't sneaking us alcohol before." She reminded.

"Shhhhhh." I held my pointer finger out. "Someone could be listening." I teased.

"I'm excited for the food. I heard there's going to be TWO chocolate fountains this time. TWO! Can you believe that?!" She was blushing over food yet again and I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she is. "I know you're just excited about who you might be getting laid by tonight though." And there was that sly little smirk upon her face that her and Connie both did constantly when feeling the need to tease their friends.

"Hush..." I paused. "You're right but be quiet." I laughed.

"Who are you scouting out tonight?" She asked.

Sasha was the only person who knew about the people I've been with. Too be honest I don't think even the guys knew. It was never more than sex so none of us really brought it up after the fact. The only reason Sasha knew was because she was almost a sister to me and I trusted her... or because she went through my phone and when I caught her she swore to not say anything as long as I told her every single name she knew. But I still love her and to this day it's been our secret.

"You're gonna think I'm weird if I tell you." I bit my lip, kind of ashamed about what I wanted to do to a certain friend of ours. A certain CLOSE friends of ours at that. But I really couldn't  help myself, he's always been attractive, even at 16 when we started filming but now at 21, standing at 6'3 and the long hair? This man was a GOD. A god I would let do some insane things to me despite being a close friend.

"Don't tell me it's Connie again?!" Her eyes widened.

"No no no." I shook my head. "Although..."


"I'm joking, relax." I laughed at Sasha's shocked expression as she threw the empty bag of potato chips into the trash can. "But it's close." I mumbled.

"Don't tell me-" she turned to me as I nervously nodded, an awkward smile placed upon my face. "Come on, we've been friends for what? 7 years?! And you wanna sleep with horse face himself?!"

"His name is Jean, first off and can you BLAME me? Besides we're all adults now and I doubt it will happen anyway. I'm sure he wouldn't want to simply cause we've all been friends for so long." I softly smiled, reminding myself that my fantasy would probably stay one.

"Welllll...." Sasha trailed off.

I raised an eyebrow at her time of voice. "What do you mean 'well'?" I leaned forward on the bed and crossed my arms over my chest.

when it's all over | jean k.♡Where stories live. Discover now