Chapter 2

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My breath hitched as I anxiously waited for what felt like eternity stretched in those seconds, maybe it is me, maybe I finally can leave this place and do something worthwhile.

My heart sank at the next words that he uttered.



As Brian walked up to the stage I could see many eyes trained on me, almost as if they expected me to throw a fit. I didn't think I was such a favorite this year, although I had to admit I felt a tinge of disappointment when Brian's name was called out. Somewhere in the back of mind I did have this fantasy of leaving this place and leading a successful expedition. I knew Brian was going to pick me as a part of his team, I was sure of it, but leading it was the ultimate dream.

I shouldn't be jealous, he was my best friend, but he told you that you would get selected, my inner voice reminded me.

shut up! I replied, was Brian giving me false hope?

I shouldn't be this affected by this. Leo was looking at me curiously and Shay was concerned trying to hide her happiness at Brian being selected. She is a good friend, at least she was trying. I turned towards the stage, looking at Brian, he looked confused his brows were furrowed and he was uncomfortable. I realized I had been glaring at him and I felt guilty. I was a bad friend, the fact I couldn't be happy for my friend was embarrassing. He would have been happy for me. So I looked back up determined to be happy for my friend. He had deserved to be in this position after a year of hard work and determination.

Brian shook hands with the commander and then turned to face his comrades, his eyes locked on mine and he gave me a suppressed smile, he looked nervous almost as if he was going to do something unthinkable, as I was smiling back at him a chill ran through my spine and a startling realisation dawned upon me. He was going to decline the mission! In front of the whole camp he was going to ruin his reputation so that I could be selected. Another look at him confirmed my suspicion of what he was going to do. I shook my head at him don't do this. He looked back at me and cocked his head to the side as if he was asking are you sure? I nodded giving him my consent. We looked at each other in silent agreement

" Comrade Brian, do you accept this mission?" the commander boomed, as if giving a choice but even he knew that there was no way anyone could refuse the mission unless they want their life to be finished.

As Brian was about to speak he hesitated and I prayed that my friend wouldn't ruin his life turning it down. Please don't fuck it up I prayed. As much as I wanted to lead this mission I didn't want to see my friend crashing and burning.

" I am honoured to lead this prestigious mission, and will give my best to ensure the safety of my comrades and the freedom of the camp." Brian confidently recited the line that each leader delivered year after year. I sighed in relief, and admittedly in a little bit of disappointment.

Empty promises I though to myself, each person in this room knew that no one was going to survive. My mind was a blur through out the rest of the ceremonies. I knew most of them by heart. I turned my head towards the right side of the room and my gaze fell upon a pair of intense green eyes staring back at me. I dropped my vision and looked down suddenly very interested in my feet. I cautiously looked up again and found her intense eyes burning through my own, this time I didn't drop my gaze and stared back defiantly. Our eyes were locked in an intense stare off, it was taking all my will power to not drop out.

She looked away and focused on the stage. Even without knowing her personally I could gauge her desire to be up on that stage. Well that makes 2 of us my mind responded dryly.

Hope: A Sweet PoisonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon