Too blinded by how strong my feelings were for them, I never thought about how jealously would come into play. As I watched Rylan show Kyler a mini mushroom he made out of clay, that matched one of Kyler's own, I couldn't say I felt any.

That's cute, I thought but that was about it.

If it were anyone else, no matter how much I liked them, I would've gradually found myself in a bad mood. Why is he talking to Kyler? Why is Kyler giving him so much attention? I'm right here, talk to me. Pay attention to me, like me more.

With Rylan, I didn't feel any of those things.

Instead- They haven't talked to each other for a while. Should I say something to get them to talk? How can I make them sit closer together, we're in a triangle. They look like they're enjoying each other's company. They're making matching mushrooms. I want them to like each other.

Just as quickly as thoughts of jealously came, they left soon after.

After foregoing without any armatures, since I doubted either of them could make one, they both decided on making mini mushrooms since it seemed easy.

One quickly turned into five until they had a mini clan of deformed mushrooms sitting on the tarp I laid out.

When Kyler got clay on his t-shirt only five minutes in, he stared at it silently before coming to terms that it was gonna get messy. "It adds characters." Rylan told him after seeing the smudge. "If you make more, it'll look purposeful."

"How are you so good at this? We're making the same thing but my mushrooms look like shit."

"They don't look that bad." Rylan tilted his head thoughtfully. I could even admit Rylan's looked a lot better. "I took a ceramics class back in high school and sculpting is pretty similar, just harder."

"Did you go to school here?" Kyler asked.

"Yeah, I've pretty much lived here my whole life. You?"

Kyler shook his head and grabbed some more clay. "I came here for college with my sister, I lived in California and Hawaii before this."

"Oh~" Rylan looked on with interest. "Are you the oldest?"

"I'm a middle child."

Rylan seemed surprised by this, even turning to me for confirmation. "Is he really?" I bobbed my head, trying to give him attention while also focusing on carving a piece of clay out of my design. "I thought for sure you'd be the oldest."

"He acts really grown up-y." I agreed. "He cooks all
the meals, cleans, does most of the laundry, and he takes Sammy outside a lot." As I thought about it, "All I do are the dishes.."

Maybe I should do more.. I silently thought. I didn't realize how little I did compared to him.

"You're still in school and you have a job now." Kyler explained. "College is stressful. Cleaning doesn't take much time so I'd rather you not have to worry about it."

My hands paused in the clay, not having expected that answer. Ah, he really is-

Rylan glanced at me when the silence dragged on longer than it should've. "Sounds like he has a crush on you."

"A crush?" Kyler's gaze joined his. "A bit, yeah."

Those times he washed my workout clothes so I could have fresh ones the next morning, when I'd come home from school to find my room vacuumed, when I wake up to breakfast and come home to dinner, when he takes Sammy outside so I don't have to wake up early and do it, how he hardly smokes because of me anymore, all those times I've opened the fridge to see it fully stocked..

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