You Can Do This 📍

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1 Year Later

(Alastor POV )

My alarm is ringing; 8:30. Time to get up. Today feels different, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I get take a shower, nice and long, maybe it'll help with whatever this is, and get dressed. A nice pair of dark slack with suspenders and a red shirt, paired with a pair of boots that Angel bought me. The look complete, and my hair done up, I left my room for 9, ready for breakfast.

The whole gang is there, aside from myself and Angel. Smiling at the sleepy morning chatter, I join the table, pushing aside any worries.
"Morning all. Ready for a good day?"
"It's a very good day Al." Charlie replied.
"Really dear? Tell me, why?"
"Vaggie and I finally got a tv spot to mark the 1 year anniversary of the hotel. It's taken forever, Katie refused to have me on again, no shock as to why, but Daddy was able to pull some strings with Vox and he got me on. We've the broadcast later today!!" She practically squealed that last part, but it was forgiven, this was a big thing for her.
"I'm proud of you Charlie, you had the strength to preserver. This will be a wondrous occasion."
"Thank you Al. We genuinely couldn't have done it without you. I honestly don't thank you enough."
"Oh please, it's fine. No need to thank me, I volunteered. My thanks is the endless entertainment." I winked to her, and she giggled slightly.

"Yooo, cool it hot stuff, save some of that for me will ya?" Angel was up.
"Mmmm, no." I smiled to him.
"Wow okay, thanks. He rolled his eyes as he took the biggest cup from the cupboard and filled it with coffee, before sitting down next to me at the table with his breakfast.
"So Charles, when's the interview."
"At two, today."
"Nice, nice. I'll book it in."
"Thanks Angel."

The rest of the breakfast went as usual, and the group slowly milled away to their daily routines. I was last to finish alongside Angel, I just couldn't shake that, feeling, I had. I wasn't much, but it was familiar...
"Yo, Al, babe, you okay? You've usually cleared off by now." Angel snapped me out of thought.
"Oh, yes, don't worry, just a headache."
"Oh, alright. Take some meds, it'll help."
"No thank you dear, I'll be fine."
"Suit yourself. I'm meeting up with Cherry later, she's got some business idea and wants my help to get it going, that okay?"
"Yes of course, why wouldn't it be?"
"No reason, just letting you know I'll be out." He winked as he cleared away his plate, and headed to the stairs. I teleported to my office, and set to work.

The day began as all the others, spent in my office. But I was finished by 3, after catching Charlie's broadcast via radio, and decided to go take a nap. I teleported to my room-, and almost fell over? I never loose balance, never stumble? What is this? Am I sick? I shook of my concerns and cuddled into my blanket, trying to sleep. I heard Angel come in at some point, but I wasn't bothered to turn over. I drifted off, and slept.

My alarm was ringing; 8:30. I had slept for over 12 hours, but still felt exhausted. My headache hasn't gone away, and I felt warm all ove-. Shit. I just realised what this was. I flipped my calendar back a few months, found the most recent one that said HEAT, and making a note of what week that was, flipped back to this month. Shit. It was back.

Or rather, it was starting to get stronger again. After that night with Angel, my heats were practically nothing, so much that I actually forgot about them. But, now it was back, now it meant something again. Am I willing to force myself through 100 years of this? No. Do I tell Angel? Also no. I'll ignore it for now, it's fine.

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