A Beginning

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A/N This is my first real kind of Fanfic I guess? I write stories a lot, but not like this. So enjoy? Hope you do :)

(Angels POV)
"Oh, Alastorrrr." I purred.
"Yes, Angel Dust?" I had barely said a word, but the irritation in Al's voice was already evident.
"You know, I get soo lonely in bed all alone at night, wish there was someone there with me." I tiptoed my fingers up his arm, which he quickly shook off.
"Don't you have that pig of yours?"
"Fat Nuggets? Nah babe, he doesn't count. I was hopin' for a person in bed with me." I leaned closer and winked, to which his crimson eyes rolled.
"As far as I'm aware, Angel Dust, you aren't meant to have another person in the bed with you, as part of your hotel agreement, no?" A talkshow laugh played behind his voice as his ever present smile grew at one side.
I cocked my eyebrow and rolled my eyes simultaneously, before letting out a short laugh and getting up.
"Oh please babe, I'm only playing with you, coz I can assure you I know the rules of my agreement. Charlie made them very clear on that first day. Speaking' of though, I've to feed Nuggsy now, so I'll be upstairs if you need anything." I made that last sentence as slow and sensual as I could, swaying my hips on the way down the corridor, but nothing ever got a move outta Alastor. Least not yet.

————————————————————————A/N I know it's kinda short but gotta set the stage, yknow? Anyways there should be more real soon so you don't have to wait too long :)

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