A Moment to Reflect

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(Angel POV)

He just collapsed. Right there, no reason. Charlie audibly gasped, Nifty pretty much screamed, Husk even looked up from his paper and booze. But I took action. I got up, and picked up the big fool, and carefully carried him back to his room. God why was he so hot? And not sexy like, like he was physically radiating heat? Though he looked pretty sexy, even passed out.

Putting him on his bed, I used this time to look around his room. No one had been in here before. It was pretty similar to mine, but a darkish red instead of pink. He had an old tv and phonograph, though it looked adapted to play CD'a as well. Impressive. His chest of drawers was just filled with blacks and reds, and some greys. His bathroom was plain aside from essentials. He really was not about that materialistic life, huh? The only thing on the walls in the entire room was a calendar. It was blank each month aside from the word 'heat' written on it every few weeks. Weird. Was that why he was so fucking hot?

He stayed asleep for 3 whole days. He would toss and turn every now and then, and started sweating like no tomorrow about a day in, but I stayed either way. I made sure he was safe and would be there when he woke up. God I feel like shit for what happened. I feel like it's my fault, I pushed him, I probably drained his powers with my stupid 'accidents'. Fucking dammit. I hope he doesn't slaughter me when he wakes up. Though he probably should. I left to refill his water jug as I was drinking a lot, given the room now felt like a sauna.

(Alastor POV)

I woke up drenched in my own sweat. Disgusting.
My body ached and felt hotter than I've ever felt in my near century down here. The heats seemed to get worse the longer I ignored them. But ignore them I did. And will do. Forever.

My left ear twitched as the door opened, Angel Dust walking in with the water jug and a glass. I didn't realise til right now how dehydrated I was. The moment he set it down I poured and downed 2 glasses. It did practically nothing. Defeat hit me and I flopped back down onto my bed.
"Why are you here?" I asked the cautious spider by my door.
" I've been here waiting in your room since you collapsed, waiting for you to wake up."
"How long was I out?" Panic started to arise in me.
"Three-ish days."
"THREE DAYS??! Oh hell the paper work, it's going to be stacked to my ceiling, and the patrons and oh what will I do-"
"Hey," Angel interrupted my panicked rant. "You've been out cold, well out hot, for three days. We've all been pretty worried. But don't worry, I didn't let anyone in. I know you like to keep your dignity to a standard." Angle smiled and winked but it wasn't flirty, but rather playful. I huffed out a light laugh and controlled my breathing.

"If you don't mind me asking, Al, why are you so goddammed hot? It's a sauna in here. That's actually part of the reason I didn't let anyone in, they'd just die from the heat."
I froze. This heat is what got me in here in the first place. But, he stayed by my side and kept some of my dignity. Maybe Angel was okay sometimes...

"I am a deer. A male deer. A mammal. And part of a mammals instincts are to stay alive and continue the blood line. And so, without fail, each month, I go into 'heat'. To help me reproduce." I sighed as I finished my statement, awaiting the laughter from Angel. But it didn't come.
"Wow. That sounds shit. Aint you like, asexual or something too?"
This caught me off guard. "Ah, yes I am. Which is why," I took a deep breath, I was getting too warm again, " I hate this. So very much. It gives me thoughts that I don't want and makes me almost act in ways I despise. It also, as you have noticed, makes me incredibly hot."
"Eh, no hotter than usual." Angel winked flirtatiously this time and I felt rage build up, but the pain from my tense body made me wince and I just lay down again.

"Sorry." He laughed it off. "Why didn't you just tell Charlie? She woulda understood and let you off for the week, yknow?"
"I was afraid that word would get to you and you would, try something, in an attempt to 'help' me.
"Al, you know that- that I would never actually try anything right? I'm always just playing, I respect you and who you are."
"But you've acted so odd lately, getting hurt like a fool would, constantly."
Angel blushed and his head drooped slightly.
"It's why I'm so exhausted now. Heat hit me before I had time to recover properly from using my powers so much." This was a lie, but I needed the truth from him.
"Wait, it is?!! Oh hell Al I'm so sorry I didn't know it would exhaust you that much I-"
"So you were getting hurt on purpose? Why?"
Angel froze, and tears were forming in his eyes.
"Tell me dear."
The tears began a steady stream down his face as he looked at me. "When you healed me the first time, the genuine time, you were different. You always seem ready to kill but in that moment, you were gentle and calm, and almost kind. I- I never get treated like that often, what with Val and everything, and I just realised how much I liked it. So I figured if I got hurt, you'd be gentle again." He wiped away the tears and seemed to try regain composure. "So, umm yeah. I am sorry Al, I didn't know it would affect you that much. I'll stop it from here on." He gave a small smile.

I'd never realised that. That he was actually treated like I always assumed; a toy, a slut, a sex thing. No real affection, no real care. He must be broken on the inside.
"My dear, you could have said. I'll be honest, I thought of you like that as well. I now see that I was unjust in my thinking." I winced in a moment of slight pain. "I like to keep myself hidden, so that I can't be hurt like that, and you respected that. That takes honour. I am proud to call you a friend Angel, and will be here if needed. Nothing major, no, but a hug will suffice if you want one." I smiled at his shock. He almost jumped up to hug me there and then but I keeled over from pain.
"Hey, umm, if your body wants you to reproduce, why don't you, yknow self service? Wouldn't that help, even a bit?" He seemed genuinely curious.
"It might, but the thought just-." I shook my head as if trying to shake away my own thoughts. "No thank you."
"Ah. Fair enough. Want me to get Charlie so you can tell her? It's not like I'm gonna do much now that I know the story is it?"
"True. Yes please, get her if you wouldn't mind."
"No problem babe." He smiled on his way out. He looks good once fully dressed.

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