Chapter 23: "Eric Turner"

Start from the beginning

My eyes fluttered open, feeling the intense pain at my skull. "Jesus..." I pulled my hand back, and looked it over. My hand was covered in blood, and the liquid sensation dripped down my face. I pulled out my phone, about to call someone, before I noticed that the being was in my rear view mirror. It took me a minute to remember how I got into this mess, and once I did, I rushed to get out forgetting my phone. I pulled the seat belt off and forced my way through the bent door, ignoring the freshly pend wounds from the car..

I staggered out, ignoring the sharp pain in my head and legs. I looked over my shoulder, and saw it walking to me. I tried to run faster, failing miserably, and collapsing. The being grabbed my body, letting its tentacle-like arms, wrap around me. I could see it clearly, and I took note of everything I could see. It wore a black suit, with a simple red tie, and it began bring me to its face. Or what was supposed to be a face.

There was nothing there, It was empty like a piece of printer paper. He brought me too his face and examined me. Or at least, that's what I think he was doing. I kicked and squirmed out of his grip, and he loosened his grip, enough for my arm to slid through. I raised my arm, with my fist balled up, and I swung it at his head.

My fist met his head, and my heart raced. It colluded with his 'face',and clearly he wasn't expecting it. His tentacle thing let go of me, and I felt air rushing through my hair and clothes and I watched as he reacted to my punch. It was already to late, before I realized how high he was holding me. My body hit the dirt and rocky ground, knocking the wind out of me.

I felt like I couldn't move, and a brief moment of panic set into me. My body screamed for me to stop, to just let what ever was going to happen, happen. That the fall should have killed me, but I forced myself to move. I regained a new found strength, as I saw him raise his head to me, and began trying to pick me back up. I swung and kicked away from him, like a rabid dog. I yelled, pleading for anyone's attention. But no one came. I slammed my foot at him, hitting him again, and I forced myself to get up.

I started running, and fast. 'It was fucking painful, but I didn't have any other choice if I wanted to survive this.' I ran, and kept running as fast as I could, still hearing the leaves behind me crunch and tree branches snap. On the far side of the woods, I could see an exit, into a small town. I laughed breathlessly, thankful that I might get out of this alive.

But I celebrated too early, as he grabbed me by the neck line of my uniform. I panicked, feeling the chocking sensation on my neck. 'Shit, Shit, SHIT!' Was the only thing passing through my head, as I watched my chance of freedom slip out of my grasp. I cried in frustration, and pleading for help, as he held me tightly in his hands. I could barley breath, my body on the verge of giving out.

"What... are... you?"

I managed to stammer out. He didn't answer, instead choosing to take me in some little trip. We were only on the little trip for a moment, but that didn't stop me from vomiting. The bright colors surrounding us, accompanied with the fact that I was covered in blood, sweat, and in the arms of a demon, didn't help. I felt disgusted with myself, tasting the acid and lunch from only a couple of hours ago. 'Oh how fast time moves on, leaving you behind.

When the little trip was over, we somehow ended up with in a room. It was dark, and the thick smell of blood and decomposition invaded my nose. My ears were invaded with screams of a women next to the room, begging to be let out. I coughed as he set me down on the floor. "Hey! Where are you going? Where the fuck am I?!" I yelled, demanding some sort of answer from the silent being.


The poor woman screamed from the other side. It made me even more sick to my stomach, but he reacted like it was nothing.

"In your new home, Eric." He said, quickly vanishing from the room. He left, only raising more questions. the women screamed and screamed, but stopped abruptly. I looked over, waiting for her to start again, but nothing happened. I ran over to her side of the wall, and pressed my ear against it. Foot steps were heard, but no women. I ran my hands over the wall, finding a small hole big enough for my finger to fit through.

'Yes!' I thought, as I crouched to the floor, hunching over to look at the other side. My eye scanned the room till I met with the women. Or her body, at least. A man, maybe in his mid 20s, stabbed her multiple times. And he kept going, even though she clearly was long gone.

He kept violently stabbing, not a care in the world. He wore a simple white hoodie, now covered in fresh and dried blood. His hair was long and black, being thrown up and down along side the movement of his body. His skin looked like leather, and his face was sliced into, leaving deep scares. I fell back, moving to the opposite side of the room.

My head began to spiral into the mist of questions. 'Where am I? Why did he have to kill her? What is going on? How did he knew my name? What even is he? What Are they gonna do to me?' I sunk into a corner of the room, closing myself off to this twisted world. "How could this get any worse?" I asked, hopelessness melting into my voice. The images of the woman's death ingrained themselves into the back of my eye lids. I felt so sick, so scared, so angry. I curled up into a ball, huddled into the corner, in this dark, horrific prison.

Hi guys. I am so sorry for not updating the past few weeks. The plan was to release the newer chapters at the same time on the same day, but clearly that hasn't been working out. With both my habit of procrastination, getting distracted and the fact that the next chapter is very long, is just making everything harder. Since its 12:44 am where I live, I will post it today. I am not kidding, I will finish this chapter by today. I hope that you enjoy this chapter, either way and prepare for the next one. Have a hint for the next chapter!

*hint! Toby gets yelled at.*

Love, Erin

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