Chapter 14: "Bring Back Memories"

Start from the beginning

(Y\N)'s pov

I breathed in, and began, "I was born in 1919, on (Y\B\D) and I died on October 1st, in 1947. It was in an accident, and I got stuck in this doll." I was collecting my thoughts, "I don't know how, or why, but at one point, I got in those woods. And then Sally and Hoodie found me." I made it quick and very general. I didn't want to say many things, only the basics. They kept looking at me, as if they were expecting more from me.

Sally opened her mouth, and I wanted to hide immediately after. "What about Marilyn, or Angela, and Katie?" No one broke contact, in fact, they were more invested then before. Benjamin sat up. "Who are they?" I cringed. I answered in a low voice, "Just.. people who I am no longer interested in talking about..." My fist were holding my pants leg, as the earth sits on my shoulders again.

'Marilyn... Angela.. when did I mention her? And how did she know about Katie? Maybe in one of my rant?' I didn't notice Benjamin leaning over. "Why not? Did you do something to them? We all have done some bad things to people. So what did you do?" Benjamin asked again.

The weight on me got heavier, with out shame, and dread was trying to consume me. I looked at all of them. Interest was in them. 'We all have done some bad things to people.' those words repeated in my head.

I couldn't find a hint of dishonesty. In all reality, they looked like people who have done things. Seen things, heard things, it was like I didn't have to hide anything because they have seen it all. So I stopped hiding. "I did some bad things to them..hurt them. I made them go missing, I did it to many people. I don't even think my family believed in it. Or in anything that anyone said I did. But I liked it, it was fun. That's all they really were."

I looked up, and they were quiet. Slenderman clapped his hands and nodded. "Well. Now we know a little bit more about (Y\N), now it is our part of the bargain. hmm, Ben! Why don't you go first?" Slenderman asked, his hands still holding each other.

Ben's pov

My heart stopped suddenly, with me having to explain myself. But then again, I pushed (Y\N) to talk. So I guess I will get pushed as well. I didn't really tell many people about my history, with the exception of Jeff and Slender.. Then again, you can't hide anything from Slender. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to, but I knew that Slender wouldn't put me in this situation if he didn't know if I could handle it.

I barely breathed, but pushed on. "When I was younger, like 12 or something, I ran away from home, after me and my dad got in some petty fight and I found people." My chest heaved. "They called themselves, 'The Moon Children'. They treated me like family, closer then me and my father ever was, and they wanted me to join. Me, being a dumb 12 year old, I joined. I guess I should have noticed something was wrong, when they asked me for a blood donation."

I laughed at myself, and a small chuckle erupted. "They told me they loved me, and that I didn't need anything or anyone but them. They had this one thing, called 'Ascension', they fond over it, talking about some shit about their God, 'Luna'. Everyone wanted to be ascended and I was unfortunate enough to get the chance to be one." I sighed.

It was hard to remember everything. The sensations, the water rushing into my lungs, the panic. How much of an idiot I was for trusting them. My father was never a fantastic dad, but at least he cared for me, at least he never did anything to me. I regretted a lot of things, and running from dad and mom, was one of my biggest.

"So.. when I found out, I got all excited, and they dressed me up in these white clothes and they made me look like an angel. And they took me to the leader of the group, who called himself, 'The Father.' He sat me in a pool, and he held me there. I couldn't breathe, obviously and I started freaking out. But he just kept me there till I couldn't fight any more." It was hard. It felt impossible. I wanted to finish this up. Quickly. "And then I became, well, me I guess." I barely looked up, but I felt Slender put his hand on my shoulders.

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