Chapter 4: "Solutions And Problems"

Start from the beginning

I hopped over to the kitchen and peaked from behind the door. Jeff was sitting at the table, eating left overs from yesterday. EJ, and LJ sat further away from Jeff and were talking about their latest victims, as Clockwork sat right next to Lazari, who was next to EJ and was doing something on her smart phone that she got from latest kill. I looked away from the table, and saw Mr. Slenderman cooking something. It had an oddly good smell, but looked kind of gross, yet most of the time it tasted just fine.

I walked up to him and pulled on the sleeve of his suit. He 'looked' down at me and it felt like he was trying to smile. "Yes, my child?" he called all of us his children, and I didn't really understand why. Maybe it was because he was the closet thing we had to a good dad or we were the closet thing he had to children. I ignore that thought and asked him my question. "Where is Hoodie?" I asked. He looked back at the food he was making, an attempted smile was still on his 'face'. "He is in his room. Just knock and he will open the door."

I was about to scurry off to his room, as Jane stepped in front of me. I hit her stomach and almost fell back and I heard Masky chuckle. I ignored it and looked up at her. She crouched down in front of me and pushed her hair behind her ear. Her ear looked scared, with burns covering the tips of it. "Are you okay?" She asked worried.

I looked at her confused for a second, "Yes. Why?" Ben butted in and spoke loudly, "She was yelling at Hoodie for making you cry!" I looked back at her. "Why? It wasn't his fault." She stood back up, and put her hands on her wide hips. "He made you cry, he at least deserved something." She said sternly. I moved past her, "It is not his fault!" I said loudly, knowing that she was watching me walk away from her and go to Hoodie's room.

Hoodie's pov, 12:35

I don't understand what has gotten into Sally. Ever since she saw that doll, she had been acting up, for no reason. She has never disobeyed or ignored anyone when we tell her not to do something. And when she asked me if she could keep it, made me question what had made her want it? She never wanted anything that smelt like a dead body, mixed with shit and piss. Much less would she dare to pick it up.

I grabbed her, but I ended up grabbing her to hard, or at least it felt like I grabbed her too hard. Maybe that is why she hit me, even though I barley felt it, because I pulled her with to much force. I felt angry at myself for pulling her so roughly. 'She is just a kid, she doesn't know what she is doing! Be better Brian!' I thought angrily to myself as I began unlocking the door, still holding her. But as soon as I opened the door, she pushed past me crying. Everyone noticed and looked at her. Then at me.

"What the hell did you do to her?! You better not have hurt her!" Jane yelled. She always had something to yell about, and some drama to stir up. "I didn't do anything!" I said back to her. She threw her hands in the air, by now everyone was staring at us. Masky, or as I call him, Tim, stood up, putting out his cigarette.

"Bullshit! What did you do? Because you know damn well that she doesn't cry with out a reason!" Jane yelled again, obviously angry. I placed my head in my hand, hating her for her screechy voice, that never had 'off' switch. "Can we all calm down? I'm sure we can all figure this out calmly." Tim, he was always trying to be the peace maker in the fights, except when he was the one fighting. "She wanted some doll that we found in the woods, I told her no, and she got upset about it."

I said, trying to keep myself composed. "Why?" Jane questioned in a bitchy tone. " Because it was gross, and probably had Hepatitis on it. I am 100% sure that you would have done the exact same thing as me." Jane looked at me and started to get up in my face, like if she was the toughest person here. Tim stepped in between the both of us, hands out blocking us from any potential fists. "Now, lets just calm do-." Jane quickly interrupted him. "Shut the fuck up Masky, let this Jack-ass talk." I was about to say something, when we heard a booming voice come up from behind us.

"What seems to be the issue, my children?"

Hepatitis= A disease that can be spread through sexual contact, infected blood, water, saliva, and bodily fluid.

No, (Y/N) has not been in contact with anyone with Hepatitis, or anyone for that matter of fact, and yes he has been stuck in those woods since 1947. For certain scenes with certain characters I will being using said characters name. (for example, Slenderman calling Hoodie 'Brian' which is Hoodie's real name) I had already did this with Masky, by having Hoodie call him Tim. Not every character will do this, But it is very likely that (Y/N) will do this.

I just wanted to say thank you for all the people reading this! I didn't expect so many people so fast! This is awesome and I am so happy that you guys seem to enjoy it! Thank you so much and have a great day!

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