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"You snot eating, book ripping, possession stealing, lying, lazy, crybaby! Come back here right now."

My little sister was squealing with delight as she ran down the road with my ice cream cone melting in her hand. My words did nothing to stop her, they just made her giggle more. Being much taller than her, I was able to catch up before she ran out onto the busy street. She fought against me before looking up with a pout and shoving what she could of my ice cream into her mouth.

"Kristi!" My heart dropped right along with my ice cream as it slipped off the cone, splattering onto the hot ground. "That was my ice cream and you knew it."

Kristi glared at me, the pink deliciousness smeared on her face. "No."

"Yes." I tried to keep my temper in check as I pulled her back down the sidewalk to our home-sweet-home of the 1221 Ocean Avenue apartment building.

"No!" Kristi smacked at my hand. When that didn't work, she wiped her sticky palm across my arm.

"Kristi." I got to the doors and shoved her inside, marching her to the elevator. "This is why I don't take you anywhere, you monster."

She remained silent on the ride up to the 15th floor. Once we reached our apartment, she pulled a pout and, in the time it took me to unlock the door, began her crying act, tears streaming down her face.

"What happened?" was Mom's immediate greeting as we entered into our tidy home. She was seated at the table, eyes glued to her laptop.

"Nothing happened to her," I said, "but she ran off with my ice cream before trying to eat it. It dropped onto the ground and now it's history."

"You can just buy another one." Mom dismissed my seething tone, glancing at us. "Go wash her face."

I dragged Kristi into the kitchen as she slowly gave up the crying act, instead fighting me when I started to lift her onto the counter.

Just buy another one.

What a Mom response. Of course, it's no biggie that Kristi wasted my ice cream. We're wealthy, aren't we? Just buy another damn one.

I hated it. Hated that Kristi was a monster because she never got disciplined. Hated that our parents only response to things was "Just buy another one" or something to do with money - like money solved everything in the world. Well, I had a brat for a sister and a friend outing I was late to because of her. I tried to be nice and take her out for ice cream (mostly under Mom's demand that I do so) and this was how she repaid me.

"She's only four."

Another parent argument.

Well, I'd met plenty of other four-year-olds and I would have gladly traded this one for them.

"Go play with your stupid toys or something," I growled as I set Kristi back on the ground. "I have to go."

She just stuck her tongue out and wandered back into the room with Mom, leaning her head against Mom's shoulder.

Sympathy seeker. "I'm going out now."

"Have fun." Mom gave me a smile before kissing Kristi's head and turning back to the laptop. I grabbed the skateboard propped by the door before leaving. I tried to calm down as I made my way to the first floor. I didn't need the ice cream. I just needed to get to the pier before they left without me.

Outside, the sun was hot, but a few breezes racing by kept me content. I could see the familiar crowds of people across the road decorating the beach. I hopped onto my skateboard and began riding down the sidewalk to where I could see the Santa Monica pier. One of the upsides of living at my apartment building was that the beachfront was basically across the road and the pier wasn't too far away. It was actually part of my bedroom balcony view.

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