S2 Part 35 - Live Every Moment

Start from the beginning

He had the same dark rimmed eyes and a similar smirk that made your heart melt, "It's been a while."

"What're you doing here? I mean- that's a stupid question!" You panicked, "You work here. I just mean..."

Hajime Shinso chuckled dryly, "I'm here to check on you - make sure you're good to go."

You let him do a routine checkup, but then he started fiddling with a computer next to your bed. The sounds it was making unsettled you.

"Is something wrong?" You asked.

"You're doing well, but when you showed up your quirk was creating an, we'll say, 'unrest' in your body. I don't know how else to describe it - just a constant flow of energy only attacking certain areas. It hasn't exactly died down even after you slept for twelve hours. But it's not harming you, either," he tapped his chin, "I'm stumped, if you didn't notice. My hunch is it has to do with your quirk evolving."


"It's not uncommon," he shrugged, "When used enough most quirks develop, like working a muscle. I'd like to keep an eye on things a while longer, but keep me updated once you're back home and tell me if anything changes."

You nodded. Hajime's face relaxed, "Thank you, (Y/N). For bringing my son home."

Your chest swelled from hearing his kind tone and sincerity, "How is Hitoshi?"

"He's okay. I hate thinking about what he endured - both of you. I heard it could have been a lot worse from the pretty boy with the wings."

You snorted.

"I wish you didn't have to get kidnapped by villains to find him, but you did more than I could have. My wife and I were devastated hearing your names listed as the kidnapped students... You've always been a good friend to him. He has us but," he shook his head with a wry smile, "He really cares for you. And having you in his corner rooting for him has made him a different Hitoshi. I worried for a long time he was too cold or harsh towards others because they were harsh to him. But since he's met you, I see more of my boy's smile.

Not to say he isn't still a pain in the ass every once in a while," he added.

"No kidding," you laughed, "I mean-!!"

His toothy grin made you miss Shinso even more, "I'm fine with a girl who can put him in his place. Alright. I'm going to send some people in to chat with you. After that you get to endure the line of adoring fans."

Your eyes dropped and you played with the thin fabric of your hospital blanket. Hajime set a hand on your head, startling you out of your trance.

"No matter what happens," he said, "You protected my family. The Shinso's are in your corner too."

You tried to smile without crying and managed to stifle it into a pitiful sniffle, "Thank you..."

He ruffled your hair, "Oh. Those are for you. They're from my wife - she came by earlier but she's with Hitoshi now." He pointed to the side table before stepping out of the door.

You spotted an enormous bouquet of lavender roses and smiled. They were beautiful and their sweet aroma calmed you, unlike the sanitized smell of hospital.

But most importantly, they weren't red...

The door opened again and you were surprised to see Nighteye and not True Man or the chief of police again. The lanky, glaring man approached your bed at a comfortable distance.

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