Chapter 2: Removing The Lock

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"Ludwig! A-Are you okay???" Feliciano had sat up at that point, leaning to see the dazed German above him. But only an empty gaze stared back.

"Luddy!" He screeched again, "Answer me!"

A few seconds later, Ludwig jolted; maybe even gathering his thoughts? It took a minute or two of staring at Feliciano for him to finally say something, "W..What happened?" He pointed to a bandage.

"Oh! This?" Feliciano started, "Just some cuts I got from climbing a tree... Well, Lovino made the branch under me break, but I think it was an accident!"

He tried hiding his forearm under the covers, which Ludwig didn't allow: he grabbed him by the wrist and started examining.

"What are you doing, Ludwig?" The Italian asked softly, trying to get out of the larger man's grip. "Luddy.. you don't have to worry. You know I get hurt all the time..."

He was right. It's just minor things, yes?

"Sorry, didn't mean to worry you," Ludwig began, he then quickly changed the topic, "I have my tools outside, should I remove the lock?" He got a response, a nonverbal one, but a nod at least.. Hopefully Feliciano realized he just doesn't want to talk about him freaking out.

Ludwig pushed away from the bed and headed out of Feliciano's room. He walked outside and got his tools from the truck bed.

He grabbed his bag of tools from the ground where he left them and headed back in. He saw Lovino and Antonio staring at him, the Spaniard having his normal smile (but he was confused bc of the bag of tools lol) and the Italian having his usual sneer.

Ludwig ignored them and went straight back to Feliciano, who was messing with the bandages.

Ludwig dropped the bag on the floor, which made a thud. Feliciano, scared, whipped his head around to face the sound he heard, then sighed, "Don't scare me like that... So, are you gonna remove the lock?"

"Ja, I guess.." Ludwig began messing with the lock, seeing what he could do and how to remove it. He eventually found how to remove and what tools he needed, so he got to work. Meanwhile, Feliciano had started messing with his bandages again, taking off the ones covering the scratches from the tree incident. He felt like he needed to so Ludwig wouldn't freak out again thinking it was some terrible wound.

Feliciano didn't know what to really say or do. Ludwig was probably as nervous as him, seeing as he had a small freak out right in front of him, and Feli just.. not knowing what to do.

The room felt very.. weird.

Not much to say or do except do your own thing; mind your own business.

Yet another thud caused Feliciano to look over: the lock had fallen off and Ludwig seemed to be a bit proud. "Welp, that does it.. What should I do with the lock?"

There was a gaping hole where the lock was, and it was just weird. No privacy because anybody could just look in.

"Uhm, you can put it in my closet," Feliciano said awkwardly, nodding his head in the direction. Ludwig nodded back and proceeded to do so.

"You know.. uh, we're having dinner soon.. If you want to stay?" Feliciano broke the few seconds silence with that.

"I mean.. I have work, but if you want me to stay.." Ludwig said as he walked back to the Italian male, "I guess I can."

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