Stormy weather

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The words hit me like a brick. I could tell my father was tremble from holding in sobs for the others not to hear. I was about to cry out but my dad pulled away and grabbed his mask as George walked in. George saw that my dad was shaking and walked towards him. Ranboo walked in after and saw me. I don't know what I looked like but it was enough for him to come over and give me a hug. I looked over to where my father was he was still looking away from everyone with his hand holding what I assumed was his mask in place because George was holding his other arm.

" What did he do?" Ranboo whispered to me. I was very confused. " what do you mean? He did nothing." Ranboo pulled away and probably saw how confused I looked. I then saw that George was pushed away from my dad in a somewhat playful way. My dad then fixed his mask and went to cooking.

" Everyone out!" I quickly ran out knowing what may happen if I didn't shortly after the other two came with me. We didn't talk but i could tell George new something. Some time later we all sat down and ate dinner. 

" So why is he here again?" My dad asked looking at Ranboo . " W -w -Well you see I um I." Ummmmmmmmmmm" I invited him over because he had nothing else to do." I said with a smile. Ranboo sat up a little.

" DJ what did it tell you." Oh no scary voice.        " Well you see I was out walking around and decided to go to the community house and I bumped into this man. Then we bumped into each other the day after and we just started to hand out." I say with a smile on my face. I could tell my dad was trying to burn through Ranboo's  head and I think Ranboo thought that as well. George was just sitting there. He later started a conversation and dinner ended. So I went to let Ranboo out of the house. There was some ran falling from the sky. 

" Well I going to be in pain for a bit." Ranboo said. " Oh right you can't really touch water. Hay why don't you just stay here I would think that George won't mind." I said looking at George as he walked in.

" Well um it's up to Dream." George said looking at my dad. My dad looked at the tall 16 year old and then me.

" I swear to god if he tells anyone he met you and that I was here I will kill him." My dad said and I believe he wasn't joking about the killing part. I looked at Ranboo who looked surprised but grateful at the same time.  We where trying to sort out sleeping arrangements but then the power went out.

" Well that's just great. I'll find some candles Ranboo come help me." I saw two dark figures leave the living room and the last one walked to me. Something you may not know about me is I'm get really scared when it storms. Probably because it was storming the night my parents died. So I was standing there in the dark with the one other person that new my fear. Lightning struck and I was instantly pulled into a hug.

" Sit down with me DJ. Focus on sitting down." Sitting down how do I sit. Bend your legs and slowly lower yourself to the ground.

" Good now I want you to close you eyes ok and trust me." I did what I was told. The first time he saw me like this was a week or two after we met it was a storm like this and I let out a loud cry when lightning struck. He rushed to my room and just held me until it was over. It was the same thing from there on just like he is doing now holding me close and making me think of other things whale  covering my ears. I have to admit it was pretty calming.

" Ok me and George got the candles. DJ are you ok!" I could barely hear Ranboo put something down and walk to me but my dad let out a small growl and held me closer.

" Hay I was just seeing if she was alright. She looks terrified." I felt my dad move his hands of my ears and put them around me. They continue to quietly argue when George lit candles. Another flash of lighting and the loud sound of thunder made me jump.

" Oh crap I'm sorry DJ." My father forgot what he was previously arguing about with Ranboo and just talked to me. George and Ranboo soon joined in.

" so how do you know Dream DJ?" Ranboo asked. I could feel my dad tense up a bit. " well you see I'm one of his old friends kid. I came for a visit and he dropped me off here because he needed to go and get things." Im sorry Ranboo but I can't tell you yet.

" Really, You know Dream you never seamed like the guy that babysits." George let out a laugh. " Hay don't you dare. When you where supposed to watch me you left me for a whole day." George quickly stopped.

" you did WHAT!" My father silently yelled. George quickly apologized and Ranboo was just laughing . Later on my dad and George join in. After that it was silent so I decided it was the perfect time for bad pick up lines.

" Hay Ranboo do you have a name? Or can I call you mine?" My dad made a surprised sound and George started to laugh again.

" Not this again." Hehehehhehe. " Hay your the reason Santa has a naughty list." George was dying on the floor Ranboo was blushing from embarrassment and " I'm sorry WHAT?" There's dad.

" There just bad pickup lines I swear!" I said in between. " Well they seam to work oh him." He pointed to Ranboo.

" ITS JUST EMBARRASSMENT I PROMISE!" Oh god. " OH IS THAT RIGHT?" I slowly tiered myself out during all the yelling and the laughing. Surprisingly I forgot the storm even existed for a few minutes.

( update 2.0)

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